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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Finally A Hopeful Christmas!

Finally, for the first time since December 2015, we are headed into a hopeful Christmas season for the country.  Last night, December 18, 2019, the nameless TRAITOR who has been living illegally in the White House based on his TREASON with Russia, Ukraine, Syria, and Turkey, has been impeached.  But that only puts us, and him, one quarter of the way to where the ultimate goals lie which we must achieve if we are to save America and American Democracy.  He must be indicted, convicted both in the US Senate and a federal court of law, and he must spend the rest of his TREASONOUS life in a federal prison cell.  If he is allowed to die anywhere except in a federal prison cell, it will be the worst failure of the criminal justice system in the history of the United States.  House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi and the House have done an admirable job.  Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler, Comey, Mueller, and all the members of the FBI, Democrats who voted to impeach, and every American who has spoken out for and fought for this impeachment are heroes.  Their actions are what patriotism is all about!  Every member of the federal government at all levels and every citizen or foreign agent who have persisted in supporting the nameless TRAITOR and his TREASON must be told face to face they are also TRAITORS by association and enemies of America and American Democracy.  You cannot support a TRAITOR without becoming a TRAITOR!

Now, as the sun rises on America on December 19, 2019, we have hope for our country and for our democracy.  For the first time in over three years, we have done overnight and will continue to do the work the Founding Fathers knew would have to be done at some future time when they wrote the US Constitution, the Articles of Confederation, and the laws of this country. We have faced evil and begun to fight it in the way the Founding Fathers foresaw that it must be fought.  But this battle is only beginning, or at best, only one quarter of the way to the end.  The next steps in this fight must be indictment of this nameless TRAITOR for his TREASON and assorted other crimes including, but not limited to, violation of the Emoluments Clause of the US Constitution, tax evasion, thousands of fiduciary crimes, dozens of sexual assaults, bribery, and a plethora of other offenses.  He must be indicted, convicted, and imprisoned if this country is to be safe from him and his TREASONOUS followers and foreign supporters such as Vladimir Putin, Recip Tayyip Erdogan, and Bashar al-Assad. After he and his co-conspirators are removed from the White House, new federal legislation must be passed and signed into law by a legally and duly elected president to reverse and annul literally every piece of paper which this TRAITOR has signed in the name of the country which he has betrayed on a daily basis for at least the last three years. 

Every day since the middle of June 2015, the United States of America has been gravely endangered by this nameless TRAITOR, his Russian master Vladimir Putin, and all the other dictators whom he has supported and committed TREASONOUS acts for their benefit.  He was not elected by anyone other than Vladimir Putin who hacked our elections and stole the electoral votes of three states after having attempted to hack the voter roles in all fifty states.  Numerous books by excellent authors have told this story and an ignorant portion of the country has refused to believe the truth. 

In addition to reeducating and re-Americanizing that portion of the country which has and still continues to support this TRAITOR, we must work over the next fifty years, for the rest of all our lives, to repair the moral damage this TRAITOR has done to our country.  We must confront those who have and will continue to support this TRAITOR whenever, where ever, and whomever we find who is guilty of providing that support and refusal to recognize his TREASON.  THE REAL CRIME IS TREASON!  The real crime has always been TREASON!  This impeachment was not the end!  It is a beginning akin to the day Hercules first walked into the Augean Stables.  It is a momentous task which must be completed if this country is to remain truly democratic.  We have, over the last four years, become a nation which has descended to immoral depths similar to those of ancient Rome before the fall.  We have tolerated crimes against Democracy, the US Constitution, and anyone who has spoken out to defend them.  It is now time to put an eternal stop to that kind of destruction of our country.  We must indict, convict, and imprison this nameless TRAITOR for the rest of his natural life and we must never allow anyone to defend him without strongly, effectively, and unceasingly confronting their ignorance and/or criminality and bringing it to it's natural end.  

Finally, today December 19, 2019, we have a hopeful Christmas in America!  However, you can bet your sweet ass that this nameless TRAITOR, his Russian Owner Vladimir Putin, their TREASONOUS minions, and ignorant supporters will do everything they can, until they are stopped for good, to further destroy the US Constitution, America, and American Democracy.  Last night was only a beginning.  Merry Christmas! Merry Impeachmas! Now go to work with me and millions of other patriots to save America and American Democracy!

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