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Thursday, April 16, 2020

Will You Allow TRAITOR Trump To Murder You?

As the death toll from the Corona Virus pandemic has crossed the 30,000 mark in the USA, as of this writing on April 16, 2020, TRAITOR Trump continues to run his mouth, spout ignorant propaganda, and attempt to reopen the United States long before the pandemic is likely to have run its course and well before most of the governors in the country agree on a reasonable date to loosen pandemic restrictions.  So the question becomes "Are you willing to bet your life on decisions being made by the worst TRAITOR in the history of the world?  Will you allow TRAITOR Trump to murder you?"  I realize the use of the word murder is strong.  But none of these deaths had to happen if the TRAITOR had simply done the job he was never elected to do.  But since he has always acted against the best interests of the United States ever since the day he illegally and TREASONOUSLY waltzed into the White House at the urging and due to the assistance of Vladimir Putin, TRAITOR Trump wants to ignore all aspects of science and medicine and tell the American people to take their lives in their own hands and go back to living life as if there is not a deadly virus wreaking the worst havoc in this country since at least the polio epidemic of the early twentieth century.

At least eleven governors in the United States and the mayor of the Washington, DC, know better and have updated their stay at home orders to at least May 15, 2020, which is still a decidedly optimistic time frame to reopen the country when the virus has killed at least 6,000 people in nursing homes, 33,000 nationwide and is now equal to 50% of the total US deaths during the Viet Nam War and rapidly approaching the total of all US deaths during the Korean War.  Just today we learned that the largest nursing home in New Jersey was just caught storing 17 bodies in a morgue intended for a maximum of 4 in an apparent attempt to delay or cover up knowledge of all those deaths since that facility had recently received the lowest possible state inspection rating which would allow them to remain open.  Even in decidedly rural Jackson County Kentucky, a county in which I worked for 2+ years as a mental health therapist in a juvenile facility, a nursing home is fighting a major outbreak with multiple cases and multiple deaths. Refrigerated trucks are in use as morgues in New York and New Jersey.  Funeral homes in both those states are overloaded and the unclaimed dead are being buried in trenches in a pauper's field in New York.  An official of the Centers For Disease Control has just publicly stated that the publicly accepted death toll of 33,000 as of this writing is probably "just the tip of the iceberg" and that actual number are probably much higher due to the criminally inadequate testing numbers nation wide due to the a lack of testing equipment and laboratories. The overall testing issue is also exacerbated by inaccurate, overdue, and undone reporting by many private labs. In his daily propaganda spiel on this date, TRAITOR Trump backed off his TREASONOUS disputation of the US Constitution that he has "total power" and admitted that the calls to reopen states must come from the governors.  But he is still the most dangerous man in the world and working daily to destroy the country.

Yet, in the face of all these governors and their actions, we are saddled with the TREASONOUS occupant of the White House blatantly and daily insisting that the most important aspect of this pandemic is the question of when the restrictions will be lifted and the country reopened.  This recipient of the electoral espionage and manipulation of Russia and Vladimir Putin does not care one iota about you, the reader, or any other citizen, state, city, or other jurisdiction in the country.  He does not care if you live or die and he is willing to allow all of us to die in order to get his way and avoid responsibility for his TREASONOUS inaction for two months from January until March as the virus was spreading all over this nation.  I repeat myself, WILL YOU ALLOW TRAITOR Trump TO MURDER YOU?

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