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Sunday, February 16, 2025

"Remember Me? A collection of recipes from my years at the Courier Journal" by Alice S. Colombo

I have often said on this blog that I love cookbooks, especially local fundraising type cookbooks from Appalachia and I often buy them from Goodwill, Salvation Army, and and other independent "junk stores". Yesterday, February 14, 2025, I ran into a slightly different type of cookbook and bought it at Goodwill in Paintsville, Kentucky. The title "Remember Me? A collection of recipes from my years at The Courier Journal" is a bit odd for a cookbook. But this one was compiled by a former food writer at the Courier Journal in Louisville, Kentucky. Even though it was from well outside Appalachia, I bought it. It was compiled by Alice Colombo and contains many recipes she had been allowed to publish over the years by restaurant owners she had met in her work, some of her own recipes, and others from God only knows where. It was published by a company called Publishers Printing Company in Shepherdsville, Kentucky, and that company now appears to be defunct since I can't locate a website or anything about them other than one article saying they had moved several years ago to another location they owned in Lebanon Junction, Kentucky. The book is spiral bound, 8 1/2" x 11" and printed on high quality, heavy, slick paper. It does contain a note from the author saying that any of the recipes which carry the "Copyright" symbol had previously been published in the Courier Journal and are copyrighted. This is not either Appalachian or purely Kentucky in nature since it contains several recipes from restaurants the author had either visited in her professional writing days or during personal visits for other reasons and had obtained the owners permissions to publish them. The most interesting of these recipes are from the first three chefs at the famous Brown Hotel in Louisville and are there particular and progressive recipes for the famous Kentucky Hot Brown. They include the recipe of Laurent Gennari who was the first chef at the hotel and worked from 1923 to 1927 and presumably invented the Hot Brown. The next is labeled "The original Hot Brown by Fred Schmidt who worked at the hotel from 1927 to 1930. Although it is labeled "The original Hot Brown...", it is clear that if Mr. Gennari was using his own recipe in the preceding four years, Fred Schmidt didn't invent the Hot Brown and his recipe is not the original. The third Hot Brown recipe is credited to "Mr. Harter" who seems to have worked at the hotel from 1930 to some unknown date which Ms. Colombo reported by saying "Mrs. Clark didn't give the year Mr. Harter left the Brown." But considering the fame which the Hot Brown has achieved in Kentucky and elsewhere, it is nice to find these historic recipes of its development over the early twentieth century. For those of you who don't know about the Kentucky Hot Brown, it is a construction of sliced turkey, cheese, and bacon on white bread toast and is served all over Central Kentucky and several other areas since its invention by whomever, most likely Laurent Gennari, at the Brown Hotel in Louisville close to a hundred years ago. The three recipes in this cookbook don't agree on the spices and minor ingredients. But they show some combination of the following: butter, milk, eggs, salt, pepper, white pepper, and whipping cream. The book also contains recipes from famous or somewhat popular restaurants in Kentucky, Nevada, South Carolina, Indiana, North Carolina, Minnesota, New York, Louisiana, Florida, California, Ohio, Tennessee, Massachusetts, Illinois,Georgia, Missouri, Michigan, and Virginia. The book is broken into somewhat more sections than most cookbook authors bother to do. They include Appetizers and Beverages; Soups, Chili, and Stews; Salads and Salad Dressings; Breads, Rolls, Muffins, and Sweet Rolls; Vegetables; Grits and Rice; Dairy and Cheese; Sandwiches, Stuffings, and Dressings; Marinades and Sauces; Entrees; Seafood; Casseroles, Eggs, and Quiches; Pasta and Pizza; Nationality foods; Cakes; Frostings, Fillings, Sauces and Syrups; Fruits;PIes and Tarts; Cheesecakes; Cookies and Brownies; Desserts and Puddings; and Candy. Other than the Hot Brown, I have not found a particular recipe which stands out to me as one I would love to try. But the book is over 352 pages and I have to admit that I have not yet fully examined it from cover to cover. The information page of the book states that at the time my copy was published two printings had been produced, the initial of 1,000 copies and a second of 500 copies. Somewhere in a used book store, junk store, or yard sale, you might be able to find a copy. The book does list a website which works as of February 16, 2025, which has a page with a contact form for interested parties to fill out along with an e-mail address for the author. If the book interests you, take a shot at it and you might find a copy. There is also a list of businesses which were selling the book at the time of publication. But with the 2011 publication date, it is probably not a good bet that they are still holding unsold copies.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

"The Civil Disobedience Handbook" James Tracy, Editor--A Book Every American Needs To Read---TODAY

The blurb on the back cover of this important little book states "Civil Disobedience is an American tradition, an essential element of a working democracy." Truer words were never spoken. In this terribly tragic time in which TRAITOR Trump is once again is living in the White House and working daily with his Criminal Syndicate which is now posing as a "cabinet", there has has never been a more important time for that majority of American citizens who understand just how endangered our country and our democracy are by this tragic outcome of the most recent election to Stand Up, Speak Up, and Speak Out about the destruction of our country by this worst of all TRAITORS. This book is a brief 94 page primer on the practice of civil disobedience with very valuble information on both the practice of civil disobedience and advice on how to conduct that practice without unduly endangering the practitioners. The one drawback to the book is that it is a bit dated having been published in 2002. James Tracy, the editor, is described on the cover as "...a long time organizer active in anti-poverty work. He is coordinator of Rightto a Roof,a part of San Francisco's Coalition on Homelessness." After having worked in the field of homelessness for over 8 years, I can assure that anyone who has Tracy's experience knows a great deal about the need for civil disobedience. Tracy also lives in Berkeley, California, a location which has always been a proving ground for protest activity in America. The book begins with a short history of civil disobedience in America, then moves on to a full length copy of The Patriot Act. But a word of caution about the reading and acceptance of that version of the Patriot Act is in order since the Patriot Act has been renewed, revised, and replaced by the USA FREEDOM (Uniting and Strengthening America by Fulfilling Rights and Ensuring Effective Discipline Over Monitoring) Before taking any actions based on Tracy's rendition of The Patriot Act, one should find a copy of Freedom Act as it which has been passed by congress. The book also contains a lenghty list of resources which can come in very handy to anyone who is seeking to use their constitutional freedoms to express discontent with the actions of the current TREASONOUS occupengt of the White House. Much of the general information in the book is just as valid today as when it was published. It would be wise to obtain and read, as will I, the more recent second edition of the book which was published in June of 2024 by Tracy and Jennifer Joseph. But, whatever you do, read one or the other, remember the Freedom Act is now the law, and feel free to express your discontent with the current occupant of the White House both privately and publicly.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

"This Proud Heart" by Pearl Buck

On several occasions on this blog, I have written about the works of Pearl S. Buck, one of the small handul of American writers to receive a Nobel Prize in Literature and one of my favorite writers of all time. I have writte3n about "The Good Earth", her most famous novel, which I believe is also one of a very small group of the best novels in all of literature. She followed "The Good Earth" with two other novels in the "Good Earth" trilogy, They are "Sons" and "A House Divided". While either of those novels could have been a career best for many writers, they are not among Buck's best works. I read everything I come across by Buck and still have numerous of her books to be read. Fortunately, a year or so ago, I bought a large collection of books, actually 5 commercial peach boxes full, from the estate of a local school principal. This one we are discussing today I found in a small group of books I bought at a small "junk store" in Rowan county Kentucky which also included a unique first edition of Jack Kerouac's first novel, "The Town And The City", which was published under his legal name John Kerouac, the only one of his books to have been published that way. "This Proud Heart" is one of Buck's lesser known novels which is set in the United States with purely American characters for the most part. The protagnonist is a brilliant woman, Susan Gaylord, and begins when she is a high school student who has shown a great deal of talent in more than one area. She is the daughter of a professor father and a dedicated housewife mother, has one sister, Mary, several years younger and not really close to her older sister. Her father is a somewhat frustrated poet in addition to being a professor in a small college. He has chosen to devote his life to his familiy and his primary profession but does manage to write poetry and publish some of it in small magazines. Susan comes to understand her father's frustration with his life decision and vows to do more to control her own life and its outcomes. She is a talented artist and piano player as the book begins but chooses to marry her high school sweetheart, Mark, who is a totally devoted husband to her and works in the real estate business after they marry. But Susan finds herself interested in sculpture and uses a barn on the old farm they buy to create a piece in wood which is composed of a family of four, a husband, wife, and two children, a son and daughter. That piece is submitted to a contest for a piece to be placed in the lobby of a hospital financed by a very rich man in New York. The piece and her work in general is supported by a famous male sculptor, David Barnes, who has a house in the small New England town in which Susan and her family live. Barnes is a brusque, short spoken man who has strong opinions about Susan's talent and her inablility, as he sees it, to succeed as a sculptor in the United States. He strongly encourages her to come with him to Paris to study under another great sculptor and a man who teaches anatomy to sculptors. She refuses until the untimely death of her husband Mark due to typhoid fever. After his death, she packs up her children and their maid to travel to Paris to actually do what Barnes has suggested. During her time there, she meets another man, Blake Kincaid, who is also a sculptor of much less talent than Susan. They fall in love and she marries Blake which proves to be a less than perfect decision. They return to New York where he lives in considerable wealth and she grows more and more hampered by his efforts to control her, minimize her talent, and disparage her work as a sculptor. She comes to realize these things about Blake and rents a studio in the poor neighborhood near his ostentatious home where she meets and sculpts marble statues of some of the people in the neighborhood. David Barnes returns to the novel from Paris and assists Susan in getting her works into a gallery for an exhibition which confirms her talent and leaves her with a full understanding that she cannot succeed as a sculptor if she remains with Blake. She moves her family back to her hometown after the death of her father and decides to end her relationship with Blake. The novel leaves the whole situation somewhat in midair at the ending but we see that Susan has been able to understand that she must be independent in order to do her best work. The novel is also widely discussed as one of Buck's better works in support of feminism. Susan Gaylord is a strong, successful, competent, talented, and highly motivated woman. For the time in 1938 when the novel was published, she is an amazingly modern woman. I suspect that this novel is somewhat biographical with the sculpting being a substitute for Pearl Buck's writing and Blake being a character based on Buck's missionary first husband whom she divorced to marry her editor and publisher after her early work caused such a stir in the literary world. While I would not say this is one of Buck's best novels such as "The Good Earth", "Imperial Woman", or "The Living Reed", it is a fine novel and well worth reading.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

"How Democracies Die" by Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt, A Warning To All Americans

In late October of 2024, just a few days before the most direly fateful election in American History, I wrote about the book, "How Democracies Die" by Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt although I had not fully read the book. At that time I was reading and studying intensely, writing as much on this blog as I could, and doing everything in my power to help prevent the return of TRAITOR Trump to the White House. Sadly, all that could be done by several hundred thousand to a few million writers like myself, that incredible dangerous election was lost and TRAITOR Trump was returned to his occupation of the White House. "Occupation" is a word I use in the military sense. The White House is now "occupied" by a TRAITOR and the Criminal Syndicate he is constructing with the aid of the Right Wing Radical Repugnican congress. Now is an appropriate time to fully rexamine the book "How Democracies Die". At no time since the day Fort Sumter was fired upon by Confderate forces has America and American Democracy been in more danger. This book is one of many by competent authors in America which can point out the dangers and show us all the ways we need to work in order to save our nation. I state for the record that I have now fully read the book, slowly, thoroughly, and thoughtfully. The original edition of this book was published in 2018, The current edition of the book which I am discussing today was published in paperback format in 2020 due to the fact that it was a best seller and the upcoming election of 2020 made it both necessary and advantageous for the authors and publisher to reissue the book in paperback due to the danger being presented to the country by TRAITOR Trump at that time. Today, that danger does not just persist. It exists now in an even more virulent form than four years ago. We now have seen several million American voters ignore the warnings of dozens of major public figures who have worked closely with TRAITOR Trump actually using the words "Fascist" and "Facism" to describe him and his goals. During the 2024 election campaign TRAITOR Trump has discussed jailing his political enemies, deporting millions of hard working immigrants, destroying several branches of the US government, and even acting as a "dictator on the first day" which he has and will continue to do as long as the populace allow it. Now that the tragedy of his actual election has occurred and his TREASONOUS crimes are happening by the hour it is long past time for every decent American to step up and do whatever is in their power to put an end to this TREASON. TRAITOR Trump has even exceeded his own previous levels of fascist speech by stating on multiple occasions that Liz Cheney, one of only two Republicans in the entire country fit to hold public office at any level, should be forced to face "nine rifles pointed at her face". Despite preemptive pardons of all the members of the January 6th congressional committee by President Biden, all their lives are now in danger. That danger to those patriots from the committee has been greatly increased due to the absolutely TREACHEROUS pardons to the January 6th TRAITORS. The only bright spots in that arena are the fact that one of them is now on the run in Texas after being charged with criminally soliciting a juvenile, another has been killed by a police officer after having resisted arrest, and a handful have admitted their guilt and refused the pardons. At some point, some of those January 6th TRAITORS will construct and attempt to carry out a plot against Liz Cheney or some other member(s) of the January 6th Committee and that is a primary reason they were pardoned. We are seeing military planes and personnel being utilized to deport hundreds of hard working immigrants and that number is growing every day in a manner, with the use of the military on American soil, that many constitutional scholars say is unconstitutional. In the United States, as Donald Trump's campaign against immigration intensifies, it is sweeping untold numbers of undocumented workers of all backgrounds into the arms of ICE agents, loading them onto airplanes, and forcing their native countries to accept them through the threat of such things as loss of foreign aid and even military intervention These kinds of actions by TRAITOR Trump and his allies are clearly fascist in nature. While this book was reissued in 2020, recent statements about his fascist tendencies by several American generals who have worked closely with TRAITOR Trump fully support what the authors have said about him and his danger to the country. In a politically related book, Bob Woodward's new release, "War", tells a story of meeting General Mark Milley, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff at a party: We have got to stop him!” Milley said. “You have got to stop him!” By “you” he meant the press broadly. “He is the most dangerous person ever. I had suspicions when I talked to you about his mental decline and so forth, but now I realize he’s a total fascist. He is the most dangerous person to this country.” His eyes darted around the room filled with 200 guests of the Cohen Group, a global business consulting firm headed by former defense secretary William Cohen. Cohen and former defense secretary James Mattis spoke at the reception. “A fascist to the core!” Milley repeated to me. I will never forget the intensity of his worry." (The Atlantic, October 16, 2024, "The General's Warning". ) In "How Democracies Die", the authors discussed several important tendencies toward fascism in TRAITOR Trump which we are now seeing in full blown practice. In the next to last chapter of the book which is entitled "Trump Against The Guardrails" they discuss how he had the tendency at the time of their original publication in 2018, and the republication date in 20202, to become every dangerous and criminal thing he is today...and more. One of the signs of impending fascism which they discuss in the book is what they call attacks on "the referees", those people such as judges, inspectors general, and others who guarantee ongoing democracy. Just two days ago, on January 25, 2025, TRAITOR Trump illegally fired 15 inspectors general from their government agencies. Federal law requires that before an inspector general can be fired a thirty day notice must be given to the congress. That notice was never given and, sadly, we have a congressional majority in both houses of congress which are so deeply involved in his TREASON that they will never ask for it or require it. The congressional leaders will also use congressional rules to stymie any effort the minority Democrats attempt to utilize to require that notice or any oversight on their part to require any form of general compliance with the laws of the land. He also attacks judges on a daily basis. He has also contructed, with the help of the Project 2025 criminals, a so-called "cabinet" list of people who are markedly and universally unqualified to be in any positions of public trust at any level. These coconspirators will be assuming the jobs, with the assistance of the Right Wing Radical Repugnican congress, of the highest level referees in the government, and they are being placed in those jobs solely because they are willing to destroy the agencies. The authors discuss in the book "also mounted efforts to sideline key players in the political system" during the years he was illegally occupying the White House the first time. Today, key players such as resistant memnbers of congress are being openly threatened with being opposed in upcoming elections, impeachment, and violence is even being encouraged against them. Benito Mussolini would not have been any more blatant in his practice of fascism than TRAITOR Trump. THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS! I WILL COMPLETE IT IN A DAY OR SO. PLEASE COME BACK IN A DAY OR TWO AND SEE THE CONCLUDING SECTION.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Buffalo Night At Jenny Wiley State Park, January 25, 2025

Yesterday, January 25, 2025, my wife Candice and I went to Buffalo Night at Jenny Wiley State Park. Historically, these events have always been held in the lodge dining room. In fact, we had the Thanksgiving Dinner there this past November. When we arrived at the park, we found that the event was being held in the convention center near the now abandoned amphitheater. I had been in that facility once or twice before including once, not long before the long running Jenny Wiley Summer Music Theater had been abandoned along with the amphitheater. At that event, we had gone to see the Jimmy Dean written musical "Big River". It got rained out and instead of offering rain checks the theater gave the performance in the convention center which had been a total bust. There is actually a large commercial kitchen in the convention center. But the room where this Buffalo Night was held is simply a large, windowless convention room set up with tables, all of which are designed for eight people doing work sessions in which they must face each other. That was a bit of surprise to be seated at a table for eight when, at brief times, the dining room door was left open and others, waiting to be seated for as much as half an hour, were able to look through the door and see two people seated at a table for eight. A windowless room is never a good site for anything other than a jail. Despite some bad weather in the last three weeks, the turnout was predictably large and the place was reasonably well staffed. But for these events, all of the state parks seem to schedule employees in the park system who have nothing to do with food service to work on event night and many of them have no experience in the areas in which they are working. We spoke to one woman who said she was working as a housekeeper in the lodge. We were seated at that large table conveniently in the front row near the buffet line which makes it a lot easier on Candice if she serves herself, or if I serve her and make two trips to the buffet for each of us to get a plate. The room was probably 40 feet wide and buffet was set up with the salad bar against one wall, the dessert table across the opposite wall forty feet away, and the main buffet line across the end wall at least fifteen or twenty feet away from the other two sections of the buffet. Thankfully, we had a young male waiter serving our drinks, napkins, etc. who was excellent, highly attentive, and robustly working the room all the time we were there. Ethan was a blessing in the middle of much that wasn't in other areas. In general, all of the staff, despite their sometimes being forced to work well outside their expertixe, are friendly, congenial, and nice. But it would be far better if other food service staff could be shifted from within the state park system for these high volume special events. The buffalo was served three ways, roasted and sliced on the line, presliced and cooked in deep hotel pans in boiling water, and as meat loaf. The roast was excellent and the female employee who served it was gracious, friendly, attentive, and experienced. The meat loaf was excellent, self service on the line, and made in the Eastern Kentucky style with catsup on top. The presliced and boiled was unappetizing looking and I niether of us even tried it. The vegetables were short sections of corn on the cob (over cooked but tasty); good, well made scalloped potatoes; green beans;greens with ham hocks sliced in them; and, there was also buffalo chili and fried catfish which Jenny Wiley usally serves as an alternative to the main meats at any special dinner. There were only two deserts, banana pudding in which I never saw a banana, and a berry cobbler. I happened to reach the dessert table after a cobbler had been demolished and left with only a thin skim of berries in the hotel pan. But I had manfully picked up one of their overly small, plastic (I assume disposable but maybe not) dessert dishes and was ready to settle for berries only (they appeared to have been mixed berries.) when a servers stepped up beside me and said, "I'm getting ready to set another cobbler down, would you like to wait." I had the pleasure of taking the first piece of that cobbler out of the pan to my table. I enjoyed some parts of the meal and the trip, was very appreciative of the waiter Ethan, and won't totally slam the event. But it did have some things lacking and could definitely be improved on before the next event. It is usually done far better at Natural Bridge State Park in Slade, Kentucky, where we also go regularly. Yes, I will probably be at the next special event dinner at Jenny Wiley, but I must insist that it be held in the lodge dining room.

"Yesterday's Treasures Today's Memories" Cookbook by McDowell-Minnie Area Senior Citizens 1998

I regulary say here in blog posts, for one reason or another, that I regularly go to low end resale stores, junk stores, such as Goodwill, Salvation Army Stores, and little local places which do the same thing to browse for and buy used books. I happened to be in Prestonsburg, Kentucky, yesterday, January 25, 2025, for Buffalo Night at Jenny Wiley State Park, and went inside the Goodwill store there where I came away with three or four interesting used books including a hardback copy of "Ulysses" by James Joyce. But the real treasure of that trip was a little fundraising type cookbook called "Yesterday's Memories Today's Treasures" by the McDowell-Minnie Senior Citizens which had been published in 1998. It is small compared to many of those types of cookbooks but I really like them especially if they are from the Central and Southern Appalachia Region. This one is centered in two old coal camp communities on Left Beaver Creek in Floyd County Kentucky located between Martin and Wheelwright. I grew up across the ridge on Right Beaver Creek in Knott County, and have known these communities ever since I was big enough to remember. I grew up about 3-5 miles away from them as the crow would fly directly over the ridge, but probably 10 or 15 miles if you actually drove a car. But I have to say I don't recognize any of the names of the contributors to this particular cookbook. It is small for such fundraising cookbooks, just over a hundred pages, and several of those pages, perhaps a dozen of those pages are just the typical filler material which the publishing companies always add to such books, things like lists of measurements, weights, temperature guides, and advertising for the company. But this little cookbook is loaded with recipes which are worth remembering and trying. Some of them I had never seen. Some I have cherished since I was a little boy watching my mother cook at home. There are recipes for both Pickled Beans and Pickled Corn which rarely show up in any cookbook. But when I was growing up, many people around that area still made both Pickled Beans and Pickled Corn in five gallon crocks and ate them all winter. This book lists both recipes in the "Appetizers, Relishes, and Pickles" section, but in my childhood both were seen as staples for winter survival and eaten fried just a bit as a regular vegetable. I can't automatically recall another cookbook I know which has those recipes in it. Most people think of making good white milk gravy only with regular or "sweet" milk. This book contains a recipe for "Buttermilk Gaavy" which I don't recall ever seeing my mother make. But we always had "sweet milk" because we always owned a cow. Amazingly for the time about thirty years ago, it has a recipe for what it calls "Frog's Eye Salad" with the possessive spelling instead of the normal singular which I had always known. This salad is a relatively modern addition to foods in that area and I grew familiar with it probably twenty to twenty-five years ago in my extended family. It contains sugar, flour, fruit, and spezzielo pasta. The book could have a misspelling of the name but the pasta in question is small, round, bits of pasta which gave the salad its name "Frog Eye Salad" due to the size being about the same as a frog's eye. When made well, it is a delicious dessert and often seen in the area at family gatherings and church events. There is also a recipe for "Seven Layer Salad" which I have always loved and a former roommate of my Eve Downey used to make it to perfection. There is a recipe for "Fried Dry Land Fish Mushrooms" or morelles. But Dry Land Fish has always been the local colloquial name for morelles in Knott and Floyd counties. There are recipes for Fried Rabbit and Fried Squirrel. I love both squirrel and rabbit but not fried although that has always been the most common way to cook them in the area. I make a joke sometimes that in that area you can mention strawberry pie and somebody will yell out "I like mine fried.". There are recipes for Turnips, Pinto Beans, Cushaw, Squash, Hominy, and a couple for Poke, both boiled and fried in stalk form. All those vegetables are becoming less and less common in most people's everyday cooking. There is also a recipe for "Pinto Bean Pie" which I only recently discovered at Jenny Wiley State Park doing a special event dinner. But it was obviously being made on Left Beaver in thos coal camps at least thirty years ago. The book also contains a great, classic recipe for "Corn Bread" to my great delight, not becasue I don't know how to make it but because most others don't. This recipe contains five ingredients, the correct five: meal, flour, baking soda, buttermilk,and water. And, as it should be, sugar is nowhere to be seen. If you wnat to bake a cake, bake a cake, but don't add sugar to it and try to call it cornbread. This is wonderful treasure of a little Eastern Kentucky cookbook. But the odds that you can ever locate a copy for yourself are mighty slim. It was most likely published thirty years ago in 1998 in an edition of about 500 to 1,000 copies and most of those are probably either treasured in the now deceased contributors extended families or lost forever. I am truly glad I located this one by accident, or intention, simply by walking into a Goodwill Store at the right time. I hope you can find one.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

The Minimization, Normalization, and Endorsement Of TREASON!

On Janaury 20, 2025, TRAITOR Trump signed a blanket pardon form for somewhere in the neighborhood of 1,600 individuals who had all been charged in the worst insurrection ever perpetrated against the government of the United States since the Civil War. Not only was it the worst insurrection of modern history against the USA, it was perpetrated by the very TRAITOR who was pardoning those other TRAITORS, Insurrectionists, and enemies of the legally constituted government of the United States. The text of that pardon statement only names 14 of the TRAITORS but attempts to also provide "a full, complete and unconditional pardon to all other individuals convicted of offenses related to events that occurred at or near the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021". The language in that pardon statement is highly suspect from a legal standpoint. It attempts to provide that "full, complete and unconditional pardon" to some uncounted number of unknown and unnamed criminals whose crimes are not even known and can have been perpetrated at or near the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021". The geographic area is not remotely delineated and could even be construed to cover the crimes of the still unknown TRAITOR who placed two bombs near the headquarters of the Democratic and Republican parties. I sincerely doubt that this "pardon" document would be held to be legal if reviewed by an unbiased court of law. Would the horribly dangerous Right Wing Radical Repugnican majority on the US Supreme Court uphold that document? I honestly don't know the answer to that question. But you can bet your ass that some prosecutor in the general area at or near the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021" should file an appeal and take the case all the way to the US Supreme Court to find out what they would do. But with the US Department of Justice now being in the control of TRAITOR Trump and whatever nominee for US Attorney General he can manage to get approved by the US Senate, you can bet that no appeal of the order will come from any US Attorney under that jurisdiction. But it is my impression that the City Attorney For The District Of Columbia should file that appeal before the Supreme Court and force them to take some position or other on this release of at least 1,600 TRAITORS and the possible intervention into the cases of any future TRAITORS the law enforcement community can manage to charge for crimes such as the attempted bombing of those two political party headquarters. This attempted pardon is also already placing the United States government and its citizens under a great deal of danger because those 1,600 TRAITORS have already been released from the US Bureau of Prisons and are walking free in our country just as their TREASONOUS supporter, TRAITOR Trump. This attempted pardon is just as criminal, just as TREASONOUS as the crimes of January 6, 2021, by both those named and unnamed in the document. It is just the first of what are certain to be other crimes by TRAITOR Trump, the Criminal Syndicate which is now being composed in the US Senate to pose as a "cabinet". God Help Us All!