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Friday, August 31, 2018

The Fascism Of Donald Trump

Below is an article called "The 14 Characteristics of Fascism" by Lawrence Britt in Free Inquiry Magazine on which this blog post is based.  As we continue deeper and deeper into the ongoing American constitutional crisis which has been precipitated by the TREASON of TRAITOR, International Terrorist, Russian Agent, & Quisling Trump, it becomes more and more important for every citizen of this country to become aware of the issues at stake in this horrible situation.  Since January 20, 2017, this country has allowed a known Russian collaborator, election fraudster, career criminal, TRAITOR, unconvicted sex offender, and idiot to illegally occupy the White House.  Nearly every day the legitimate news media or the federal court system report another crime from another member of this man's coterie of co-conspirators.  Nearly every day this man commits another moral, legal, and political atrocity and never seems to be held responsible for his actions.  Why?

There are a sizeable number of reasons why we have, as a nation, allowed this criminal occupation of the White House to linger almost two years.  The Right Wing Radical Repugnican majority in both houses of congress is unwilling to relinquish their ill gained power, at least some of which may well also be related to Russian interference and contributions, in order to rescue the country.  The Democratic party is outnumbered and has never had the requisite majorities in both houses of congress in order to bring about indictment and impeachment of the TRAITOR Trump.  They also seem unwilling to face the issue of impeachment out of fear of losing even more seats in congress.  While a significant portion of the electorate does support impeachment, no legitimate empirical political poll in the country has so far indicated a majority in favor of removing the TRAITOR Trump from the White House. But just today a poll from ABC News & the Washington Post found a majority of 60% disapproval of Trump's job performance in his illegally seized residence and 53% who say they strongly disapprove which is still a majority in a very empirical poll from two of the most professional and ethical news agencies in the country.  49% of those polled in the same poll also are in favor of impeachment which is only two percentage points short of a statistical majority.  Secondary to those aforementioned polling numbers, there is also a consistent 30% to 40% of the populace who are still supporting the TRAITOR Trump.  The electorate overall is poorly educated about constitutional remedies to the problems which are presented by allowing a treasonous individual to occupy the White House.  All of these factors have consistently combined to prevent the necessary actions from being taken. But this most recent poll does show that the worm has finally turned among the general electorate toward ridding the country of this treasonous conspiracy.  Also, on this same date of August 31, 2018, another of the associates of Paul Manafort has plead guilty to money laundering charges and failure to register as a foreign agent for funneling $50,000 in Ukrainian money to the Trump "inauguration committee".  We are getting closer and closer to the day when the key indictments come from the Mueller investigation which will clearly indicate to the country that Trump is a TRAITOR and a Russian Agent, no more, no less. 

Let's examine the article below point by point to discuss the multitude of ways in which the TRAITOR, International Terrorist, Russian Agent, and Quisling Trump meets the definition of a Fascist and how his Russian Owned Criminal Syndicate of co-conspirators are carrying out Fascist acts on a daily basis in America.

The first factor involved in Fascism which Mr. Britt discusses in his article is "Powerful and Continuing Nationalism".  The entire campaign and deliberately chosen public persona of TRAITOR Trump has always been based on his stated slogan of "Make America Great Again".  Do not be misled into believing that has happened or needed to happen.  The United States of America was far greater at sunrise on the morning of January 20, 2017, than it has been at any time since TRAITOR Trump was allowed to illegally occupy the White House.  The US National Debt is now $21trillion as of March 15, 2018. The national debt first hit the $20 trillion mark on September 8, 2017, according to government records. It rose more than a trillion dollars in less than six months due to TRAITOR Trump's disastrous economic actions built around and supportive of his treasonous trade war.  Nothing which is happening in the White House today is intentionally or accidentally making America great.  His frequent rantings about his love of the country and his efforts to please his Right Wing Radical supporters in the White Right are tailored in the mold of Adolph Hitler's language in Germany in the early 1930's and it has the same purposes, to instill both fear and pride in a significant portion of the electorate who by their very nature are inclined toward violence and irrationality in support of his TREASON, and to make TRAITOR Trump appear to be genuinely interested in the welfare of this nation which he has and will continue to betray on a daily basis.  His intentions are clearly Fascist.

Mr. Britt's second descriptor of Fascism is Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights and is being met on a daily basis by TRAITOR Trump and his minions.  The Zero Tolerance policy of immigration seizure and separation of children as young as two from their parents absolutely disregards the rights of those children and families to be protected even if they are being held for possible deportation.  It is both inhuman and inhumane.  It is Fascist.  His withdrawal from the United Nations Human Rights Council is clearly a blow to human rights protections worldwide and a highly public admission that he has no regard for any human no matter who they are or what their particular individual limitations might be.  His disregard for humanity and the human race in general is Fascist.  Here is a link to a lengthy list of human rights offenses committed by TRAITOR Trump and every one of these acts was Fascist.  He is a Fascist.  There is no room for argument on that point. 

Mr. Britt's third contributing factor to Fascism  is Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause. There is no particular descriptor of Fascism that better describes the TRAITOR Trump than this one.  On a daily basis, he attempts to scapegoat a variety of groups who have the best interests of the country at heart.  That list includes the Mueller investigation; the Democratic Party; the free press which is constitutionally guaranteed; immigrants; Muslims; liberals in general; anyone who expresses criticism about him or his actions; and anyone else whom he believes he can make into a victim for any of those who support him.  He uses this kind of rhetoric on a daily basis to delineate others who do not support him as being anti-American and worthy of his abuse as well as the more directly violent abuse of his radical followers.  These actions on his part are clearly Fascist and so is he.  

 Mr. Britt's fourth described element of Fascism is Supremacy of the Military.  TRAITOR Trump's use of this tactic to gain his short term goals has been clearly demonstrated throughout his illegal and treasonous rise to and abuse of power.  It is clearly copied from the actions of Adolph Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Idi Amin, Sadaam Hussein and other dictators throughout history.  While his attempt to stage a military parade in his honor was largely an attempt to make himself appear popular and powerful, it was also an attempt to terrify the entire world just as has been his repeated antagonism of any other country or leader such as Kim Jung Un or the highest officials in Canada and Iran. His stated desire for the US to maintain the world's most powerful military is not genuine in any fashion.  It is simply a Fascist attempt to induce the US citizenry and the other countries in the world that he is in control of a powerful military force and willing to use it to destroy his perceived enemies.  His repeated threats toward a variety of people, countries, and organizations as varied as North Korea, Iran, Canada, the Democratic Party, Immigrants, and Germany are clearly irrational, unjustified, terrorist, antagonistic, and Fascist.  

Mr. Britt's fifth component of Fascism is Rampant Sexism and there is no human on earth more guilty of practicing, supporting, and fomenting rampant sexism than TRAITOR Trump.  He is a misogynist and an unconvicted sex offender who has been accused of sex crimes by at least a dozen credible women.  His numerous illegal payoffs to women whom he has either had temporary liaisons with or made unwanted sexual advances toward, his widely publicized admissions on audio tape that he "moved on her like a bitch" is clearly rampant sexism and borders on sexual assault which several women have accused him of committing.  The two group photos of the White House interns have been clearly dominated by the presence of white males with unconscionably low numbers of both women and minorities. TRAITOR Trump clearly meets this descriptor of Fascism. 

Mr. Britt's sixth key factor in Fascism is Controlled Mass Media.  No legitimate leader of a civilized, democratic country would ever engage in the blatant, unceasing attacks on the honest, constitutionally guaranteed free press as is being done on a daily basis by TRAITOR Trump.  He has frequently described the free press as "the enemy of the people" when they are actually one of the strongest bastions of defense for a democratic country and that is exactly why he is so unceasing in his attacks against them.  He does not want a free press.  He does not want a democratic country.  He wants to be unfettered in his ongoing attempts to gain illegal power and to further the aims of Russia and Vladimir Putin.  These attacks on the media are unfettered Fascism and clearly indicate that the TRAITOR Trump is a Fascist. 

Mr. Britt's seventh component of Fascism is Obsession With National Security and is clearly personified in TRAITOR Trump's chosen slogan of "Make America Great Again" and in his unjustified attacks on immigrants, other countries, and our economic and political allies.  He couches his Fascism in terms which are intended to gain the support of the poorly educated and those motivated by hatred of other groups and countries. He uses these attacks to instill fear in American citizens that America might be under attack but lies daily about the source of the attack, Vladimir Putin and Russia, who own and control TRAITOR Trump. He describes many, if not most, of his attacks on others and their countries of origin as being in the best interest of America when they are only attempts on his part to gain further control of the basket of deplorables which constitutes his cult of supporters.  All these actions being falsely described by TRAITOR Trump as being intended to create a stronger America are only intended to turn his stolen power into greater power.  It is Fascism and it is deplorable.  It proves once again that TRAITOR Trump is a Fascist.

The eighth descriptor of Fascism in the Britt article is Religion and Government are Intertwined. Traitor Trump is not remotely religious and actually meets many of the descriptors of the Antichrist which I might discuss in a future blog post.  But he has managed to gain support, and perhaps control, of many media based preachers who support him because they meet one or more of the qualities I discussed in my earlier blog post "Only Four Kinds Of People".  The hatreds he endorses are similar or identical to many of the hatreds and prejudices of these monetarily centered evangelists.  They clearly fit the category of "Hypochristians".  Their attempts to destroy the Separation Of Church And State, freedom for all religions as guaranteed by the US Constitution, and to destroy a woman's right to choose give TRAITOR Trump a readily and easily activated group of people who are willing to ignore his crimes, his attacks on the US Constitution, and his lack of any form of religiosity.  His willingness to lead these people on and mislead them into supporting his ill gotten power is clearly Fascist.  

Mr. Britt's ninth component of Fascism is Corporate Power is Protected.  The so-called Trump Tax Cut was never a tax cut for the majority of the population.  It was clearly intended and the numbers have consistently proven that it had two or three goals: to open the way for unfettered corporate destruction of the US Tax Code; to further damage the country in support of Russia and the goals of Vladimir Putin; to protect the billionaires of the nation; and to mislead the majority of less well off Americans into believing that they could benefit from it. TRAITOR Trump has even ranted recently about further cuts in taxes for corporations which will further increase the national deficit, weaken the country even more, and continue to increase the national debt as discussed above. The daily destruction of the Environmental Protection Agency and all forms or regulatory controls on corporations further manifest this attempt to please the filthy rich, destroy America from within, and further the desires of Russia and Vladimir Putin.  It is clearly Fascist and just one more part of TRAITOR Trump's Russian managed plan to destroy America.  

The tenth described factor of Fascism as discussed below by Mr. Britt is Labor Power is Suppressed.  Every action taken by TRAITOR Trump with regard to working class Americans, union members, and all supporters of the right to participate in a union have been intended to destroy any rights or power which the working class has gained over the last hundred years.  He is clearly anti-labor and anti-union.  He is also clearly anti-small business as demonstrated by the fact that, in his private business, he has been sued by more than 3,500 independent small subcontractors whom he refused to pay for just debts for labor they provided to his construction projects.  It is very telling that the majority of those legal actions either were settled in favor of the plaintiffs prior to court intervention or were adjudged in their favor by the courts.  This is a Fascist disrespect of the working class.  It is clearly detrimental to labor and America.  It is Fascism and it is being practiced daily by TRAITOR Trump.

The eleventh descriptor of Fascism as described by Mr. Britt is Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts.  Although TRAITOR Trump has consistently throughout much of his life sought to be a hanger on in the world of television, theater, and music in order to be seen in the company of genuine stars, he has sought that access purely to make himself appear to be far more important than he has ever been.  He has no respect for ability to understand or support genuine intellectual pursuits or the arts.  His literacy is marginal at best as demonstrated by his speech patterns and vocabulary.  When television shows such as Saturday Night Live have parodied his ignorance and criminality, he has done exactly what he does to anyone with enough intelligence to understand his crimes and speak out against him.  He attacks in a crass, gross, unintelligent, and unrelenting manner.  His disdain for the arts and intellectual pursuits and his attempts to destroy the National Endowments For The Arts and Humanities are Fascist and intended to further damage the country as a whole.  An educated populace, an intellectual populace, a highly intelligent populace would never vote for such an idiot and TRAITOR.  His attempts to keep us uneducated and uninspired are Fascist.  He is a Fascist. 

Mr. Britt's twelfth factor of Fascism is Obsession with Crime and Punishment.   Traitor Trump frequently rants and raves about various kinds of people who are able to escape what he claims to believe are just punishments for crimes but at the same time he describes a convicted Russian collaborator such as Paul Manafort as "brave" because he refused to accept a deal with the Mueller investigation under the belief that he might not be convicted or might receive a "pardon" from this illegal occupant of the White House.  It has been made clear that TRAITOR Trump only desires to punish his enemies, critics, or honest people who question his motives not real criminals such as the gang of Russian Owned co-conspirators who have assisted him in his ongoing crime spree.  But his gullible supporters believe these lies and continue to support him just as diligently as the Brown Shirts supported Adolph Hitler.  They are Fascist and so is TRAITOR Trump. 

The thirteenth component of Fascism which Mr. Britt describes below is Rampant Cronyism and Corruption. The Washington post stated in this story before the full gang of co-conspirators of TRAITOR Trump took up residence in the White House that they constituted the Worst Cabinet In American History and they were correct.  If you closely examine the closest, most relied upon associates of TRAITOR Trump it is clear that criminality was considered to be a job qualification as they were selected to join his Russian Owned Criminal Syndicate.  The cited news article preceding this sentence was actually written in early 2017, more than a year ago, and even more ties between TRAITOR Trumps co-conspirators and Russia are being revealed just as they were on this date, August 31, 2018, when Sam Patton plead guilty to funneling Ukrainian money to the TRAITOR Trump "inauguration committee".  We may well not know the full range of collusion, cooperation, and criminality between TRAITOR Trump and Russia until a totally new, legally, duly elected presidential administration regains control of the country, if we survive as a country.  These crimes, these criminals, these connections are a prime indicator of the Fascism of TRAITOR Trump and his co-conspirators.

The fourteenth and final element of Fascism discussed below by Mr. Britt is Fraudulent Elections.  God help us all as we fight this crime spree which was based on a stolen presidential election and the illegal occupation of the White House which was engineered by Vladimir Putin and Russia.  Since November 8, 2016, "a date which will live in infamy" for another thousand years if democracy survives these criminals.  As soon as the occupation of the White House began in January 2017, TRAITOR Trump attempted to create his fraudulent "election fraud commission" which eventually found no organized fraud in American elections other than that perpetrated by Russia, Vladimir Putin, and TRAITOR Trump.  The so called commission was eventually disbanded without being able to justify whatever imagined plans they were created upon to destroy democracy in America.  We see Right Wing Repugnican attempts to gerrymander elections in nearly every state in the union.  We know that Russia has attempted to hack state election commissions in nearly every key state in the union.  We see daily attacks on voters of color, minorities in general, the disabled, the educated, the poor, the intelligent and that is all Fascist and all fomented by TRAITOR Trump, his Russian Owned Criminal Syndicate, Russia, and Vladimir Putin.

There is no doubt that America is being held hostage by a rouge band owned by Vladimir Putin and Russia and being led by TRAITOR Trump and his Russian master.  When will America wake up?  I am not sure.  Will America and American Democracy survive?  I hope so but don't know.  Neither do you, dear reader.  Neither do you!  So, when will you begin to Stand Up, Speak Up, and Speak Out in defense of America and American Democracy and call for the indictment, conviction, impeachment, and imprisonment of the TRAITOR, International Terrorist, Russian Agent, and Quisling Trump? 

The 14 Characteristics of Fascism
by Lawrence Britt
Spring 2003
Free Inquiry magazine
Political scientist Dr. Lawrence Britt recently wrote an article about fascism ("Fascism Anyone?," Free Inquiry, Spring 2003, page 20). Studying the fascist regimes of Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Suharto (Indonesia), and Pinochet (Chile), Dr. Britt found they all had 14 elements in common. He calls these the identifying characteristics of fascism. The excerpt is in accordance with the magazine's policy.
The 14 characteristics are:
  1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism
    Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays.

  2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights
    Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of "need." The people tend to look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, long incarcerations of prisoners, etc.

  3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause
    The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial , ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc.

  4. Supremacy of the Military
    Even when there are widespread domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and military service are glamorized.

  5. Rampant Sexism
    The governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Opposition to abortion is high, as is homophobia and anti-gay legislation and national policy.

  6. Controlled Mass Media
    Sometimes to media is directly controlled by the government, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by government regulation, or sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Censorship, especially in war time, is very common.

  7. Obsession with National Security
    Fear is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses.

  8. Religion and Government are Intertwined
    Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed to the government's policies or actions.

  9. Corporate Power is Protected
    The industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite.

  10. Labor Power is Suppressed
    Because the organizing power of labor is the only real threat to a fascist government, labor unions are either eliminated entirely, or are severely suppressed .

  11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts
    Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education, and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other academics to be censored or even arrested. Free expression in the arts is openly attacked, and governments often refuse to fund the arts.

  12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment
    Under fascist regimes, the police are given almost limitless power to enforce laws. The people are often willing to overlook police abuses and even forego civil liberties in the name of patriotism. There is often a national police force with virtually unlimited power in fascist nations.

  13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption
    Fascist regimes almost always are governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in fascist regimes for national resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by government leaders.

  14. Fraudulent Elections
    Sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against or even assassination of opposition candidates, use of legislation to control voting numbers or political district boundaries, and manipulation of the media. Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate or control elections.

Copyright © 2003 Free Inquiry magazine
Reprinted for Fair Use Only.

This article was based upon the article "The Hallmarks of Fascist Regime" by Skip Stone, at

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Only Four Kinds Of People

For five years or so, I have been telling my friends that there are only four kinds of people who support TRAITOR, International & Domestic Terrorist, Russian Agent, Self-confessed and Still Unpunished Sex Offender, Proven Tax Cheat, Career Criminal, Idiot, and Quisling Trump which I firmly believe.  But, for some reason or other, I had not written a blog post about it and that is a shame.  I should have put this online at least as early as June 2015 when he rode down that trashy escalor.  It is long past time for everyone in America who understands the TREASON of the man to step up and begin working to bring about his second electoral defeat, removal from the scene of his most recent  three year crime spree, indictment, conviction, and imprisonment for the remainder of his slimy life. Since his legitimate impeachment failed because of the TREASON of 51 US Senators who voted to acquit him on the most well founded charges ever brought before the US Senate in an impeachment trial, these are only options to avoid the further destruction of America and American Democracy.  But right now we need to discuss the four kinds of people who support him and begin working to educate and inform those with enough intelligence to become informed so that they can mend their ways and join us in the effort to save America from this TRAITOR and Russian Agent.  Below, you will find my discussion of the four kinds of people to which I am referring. 

  1. Other TRAITORS who fully support his work to help Vladimir Putin carry out the Russian plan to seize total power and control in the world and to destroy America, American Democracy, and all our diplomatic allies including the members of the G7, NATO, G20, and all other alliances of countries who support representative democracy worldwide. This group has been proven to contain many members of the Repugnican Party as we have learned more about the depths to which the Russian spy Maria Buttina was able to penetrate both the Repugnican Party and the National Rifle Association, the federal criminal convictions of many of his supporters, the evidence we have seen released by Michael Cohen and others, and the self-admission of his lies about Covid 19 to Bob Woodward by TRAITOR Trump.  If you look at the list of associates of TRAITOR Trump and examine their connections to Russia, you will see that there have been only a few very restrictive qualifications considered when he was hiring people.  Those hiring qualifications are a) connections and commitment to Russia; b) criminal intent; and c) total loyalty to both TRAITOR Trump and Russia. 
  2. Other Career Criminals who believe they can benefit from the ongoing worldwide crime spree by TRAITOR, International and Domestic Terrorist, Russian Agent, and Quisling Trump. These people have no meaningful allegiance to the United States or any other country for that matter.  Their only desire is to join in the ongoing crime spree and illegally, illegitimately, and immorally accumulate some level of money or power to which they are not entitled in any way, shape, form, or fashion.  These people range from corporate executives to common criminals.  They include bankers, stock speculators who are betting that the insane trade war will not collapse the US economy, and even people who are simply designing and selling new, trashy merchandise to support the cause of TRAITOR, International Terrorist, Russian Agent, and Quisling Trump.
  3. People Of A Wide Variety Of Stripes Whose Hatred And Prejudices He Endorses This group includes nearly all aspects of the Radical Right Wing in America which can range from outlaw motorcycle gangs to the KKK, Aryan Brotherhood, Neo-Fascists, and, sadly, the self-described "Christians" who ignore the teachings found in the New Testament and are merely Hypochristians, hypocrites who describe themselves as "Christian" in order to feel safe spiritually or to seek public approval.  Many of these people share hatreds of specific groups including African Americans, Hispanics, immigrants, liberal activists, and environmentalists which are just as vile and virulent as the expressed hatreds of the KKK and Aryan Brotherhood.  
  4. Idiots Who Are Just Too Stupid To Understand The Nature Of His Crimes I do not believe this group needs any further explanation as to who they are.  You can find most of them on their days off, if they work at all, walking into WalMart wearing a MAGA hat and carrying a firearm to help them inflate their miniscule penises. 

If you find yourself among these four groups of people, it is morally incumbent upon you to try to determine whether or not you have the requisite intelligence and moral character to change and support the defense of America from the crimes of TRAITOR, International Terrorist, Russian Agent, and Quisling Trump.