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Friday, May 31, 2024

TRAITOR Trump's Lack Of Remose


 According to in their discussion of lack of remorse as a factor in criminal sentencing 

"An egregious lack of remorse means that the defendant's words or conduct demonstrated extreme indifference to harm resulting from the crime [or were affirmatively intended to aggravate that harm]. In determining whether the defendant displayed an egregious lack of remorse, you may consider whether the defendant's words or conduct (a) increased the suffering of others beyond that caused by the crime itself; (b) were of a belittling nature with respect to the harm suffered by [the victim] [others]; or (c) reflected an ongoing indifference to such harm." 

There can be no doubt in the mind of any reasonable person that TRAITOR Trump has shown an absolute lack of remorse for the crimes for which he was just found guilty in New York in the Hush Money Trial.  He has denied all responsibility for his actions related to the case both before and after he has been charged, tried, and convicted by one of the most courageous and reasonable juries ever assembled in the United States.  It has been necessary on nine separate occasions for Judge Juan Merchan to hold him responsible for his violations of the gag order against speaking out, belittling, and denigrating the principles in the case including witnesses, prosecutors, jurors, and the judge himself.  Judge Merchan should have sent TRAITOR Trump to jail for at least the course of one day of the trial events after these violations and chose not to do so in order to avoid giving TRAITOR Trump further opportunity to do more of the same actions for which he was just fined.  Now we are faced with the fact that TRAITOR Trump has been found guilty and will be sentenced for his crimes in the case on July 11, 2024.  The most important question about that sentencing is whether or not the judge will actually hold TRAITOR Trump responsible for his widely demonstrated lack of remorse and administer a sentence near the limits of the law including actual incarceration instead of the typical slap on the wrist of probation.  


There can no expectation that TRAITOR Trump will stop his egregious verbal assaults on the criminal justice system if he not actually sent to prison and that is exactly what the judge should do in the case.  We are talking about a career criminal who has been indicted on more than 90 felonies in at least 4 separate jurisdictions both federally and in two states, New York and Georgia.  He is also listed as an unindicted  coconspirator in at least two other states, Arizona and Michigan.  He has at least two other even more serious pending cases in the federal court system in Florida and Washington, DC.  He is also being aided and abetted by a judge in the Florida case who is at best incompetent and at worst a coconspirator with TRAITOR Trump who has shown that she will do anything to refuse to hold him responsible for his crimes in the federal stolen documents case. 


TRAITOR Trump's lack of remorse must be used in his New York sentencing and he must be sent to prison immediately if the country is to be safe.  We are dealing with a convicted felon who agitated the worse insurrection against the government in our history simply because he lost an election.  He has already demonstrated that there is no crime he will not commit to avoid being held responsible for previous crimes he has committed.  He must be sentenced to serve prison time in the New York case and he must be immediately incarcerated upon sentencing.  Judge Merchan has no other choice and neither does the nation.  

1 comment:

Frank Barnett said...

So Trump calling the judge a scumbag and threatening his family
during the trial and even now before sentencing is handed down may not help him ?