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Thursday, August 22, 2024

TRAITOR Trump, Adolph Hitler, And The Big Lie


Adolph Hitler

I am in the process of reading Rachel Maddow's book, "Prequel: An American Fight Against Fascism", which  I have already written one blog post that was prompted by information contained in her book. She discusses in several places in the book the work done by the infamous Joseph Goebbels who ran Hitler's propaganda efforts worldwide.  She also includes the following quotation from Adolph Hitler's book which served as a major building board on which his attempt to conquer and subjugate the entire world was built,  "Mein Kampf":

" The great masses, he wrote, "will more easily fall victims to a great lie than to a small one, since they themselves perhaps also lie in little things, but would certainly still be too much ashamed of too great lies.  Thus, such an untruth will not at all enter their heads, and therefore they will be unable to believe in the impossibility of the enormous impudence of the most infamous distortion in others."  (Rachel Maddow, quoting from "Mein Kampf", in "Prequel: An American Fight Against Fascism", page 237. )

That quote from the book is the basis of what we know today as The Big Lie, especially as it has been practiced by TRAITOR Trump.   To simplify what The Big Lie actually means, it boils down to this: If you tell most people a lie so grand and extravagant, they will believe it easier than they would a relatively mild mannered and simple lie. TRAITOR Trump is not the first would be dictator, despot, or cult leader to use The Big Lie.  But no one on earth has perfected The Big Lie to the point that TRAITOR Trump has.  We see and hear repeatedly of incidents, both public and private, in which TRAITOR Trump is using The Big Lie or making references to issues which he wishes to portray as destructive to America or to support other lesser, but still markedly dangerous, lies he is telling nearly every time he opens his mouth.  This link discusses his half-hearted denial of a frequently seen allegation that  he kept a book of Hitler's speeches at his bedside for much of his life.   The quotation below comes from an article written by Kevin Arceneaux and Rory Truex and discusses his dependence on The Big Lie with well researched and documented proof of that fact:

"Our study systematically documents a new feature of
American political life: roughly one- fourth of the country
and half of the Republican Party rank and file say that they
buy into the idea that the election was stolen from
President Trump. Across the 40 days of our study  
acceptance of this big lie was pervasive, sticky, and consequential.This echoes a dynamic typically observed in
authoritarian regimes, in which a charismatic leader creates
blatant falsehoods to justify his hold on power and requires
everyone to behave as if those lies are true. Donald Trump
eschewed the long democratic tradition of stepping aside
and pledging support to his opponent once the results
were no longer in doubt to any reasonable observer."  ( "Donald Trump and The Lie", by Kevin Arceneaux and Rory Truex, page 17, available at: 

Arcenaux and Truex go on to say this about support for The Big Lie even from Republicans who don't actually believe the election was stolen from Trump.  They state that " The results from the conjoint experiment illustrate that  whether Republicans really believe that the election was  not stolen from Trump, many will reward Republican candidates who claim that it was."  That kind of deceptive acceptance of The Big Lie even when those who are accepting of it know better is a truly fearful response and identical to what happened among German citizens after Adolph Hitler rose to power and his Fascism spread across the country.  As we grow daily closer to the November election, we also grow closer to the day when each of us who steps into a voting booth must make a personal decision concerning for whom and what future for America we will choose to support.  My personal decision about this election was made at least as soon as that fateful day on June 16, 2015, when TRAITOR Trump came down that garish escalator and espoused the lie that he was fit to lead the greatest democracy in the world.  He was never fit to do that job and, if he lived to be a thousand, he will never be fit.  This election is beautifully and simply bifurcated into two clear cut existential opposites.  It is about Democracy versus Fascism, Patriotism versus TREASON, Freedom versus Tyranny, Prosecutor versus Convicted Felon, Right versus Wrong, and Good versus Evil.  The answer is simple.  Do what you should have been doing all along, VOTE STRAIGHT DEMOCRATIC, Every Election, Every Race!  Then the country will be fine! 

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