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Monday, January 20, 2025

The Blackest Day In American History Since April 12, 1861!

On April 12, 1861, Confederate forces fired on Fort Sumter in South Carolina which was the beginning of the Civil War. For many years, it could be considered the blackest day in American History. That is no longer necessarily true. Today, January 20, 2025, at noon has become the blackest day in American History at least since the firing on Fort Sumter. There is a perfectly rational argument that it is actually the blackest day in all American History. Today, for all time, will surpass other dates such as December 7, 1941, the date Pearl Harbor was attacked; September 11, 2001, the date of the attack on the World Trade Center; April 14, 1865, the day President Lincoln was assassinated; and October 24, 1929, the date of the stock market crash which preciptated the Great Depression. This date, January 20, 2025, the date TRAITOR Trump has managed to slink inside the White House again accompanied by the worst Criminal Syndicate ever assembled in American History, a criminal syndicate which is far more dangerous than any of the Five Families of Cosa Nostra due to the fact that this Criminal Syndicate and TRAITOR Trump have every intention of destroying the United States, American Democracy, and the entire federal government. TRAITOR Trump and his TREASON are, without a doubt, the worst case of TREASON ever documented in this country or the entire world. After having been impeached twice during his original illegal occupation of the White House, having been indicted for 94 felonies for stealing government documents and lying to the FBI about those thefts, being found judicially responsible for the rape and defamation of woman whose reputation every day of her life has been far better than his on the best day of his life, after having been the perpetrator of the worst insurrection against the US government since the Civil War, and after having been the leader of a previous lesser Criminal Syndicate whose members collectively were indicted in at least 215 cases, this worst of all TRAITORS in all of history has managed to construct the worst conspiracy against the United States in more than 275 years of lesser history. He is a far worse TRAITOR than Aaron Burr, Sacco, Vanzetti, or Aldrich Ames. He is literally the most dangerous man in the world with the single exception of Vladimir Putin, the man who actually has owned and controlled TRAITOR Trump ever since the day Russian money saved him from his casino bankruptcy. God Help Us All!

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