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Sunday, January 19, 2025

The Public Creation Of A Criminal Syndicate In America!

For the first time in the history of the United States, a major criminal syndicate is being formed in full public view of the entire country, covered daily by all the news services of the world, generally ignored by a majority of the populace, and endangering the continued existence of the United States and American Democracy as it has not been endangered since Fort Sumter was fired on. This criminal syndicate is also being supported in its organization by the full press power of the government. The criminal syndicate I am speaking of is being labled as the "cabinet" of TRAITOR Trump as he prepares to complete his lifelong goal of destroying the United States for his Russian Owners. Not one of the nominees is qualified to hold the position for which they have been nominated. None of them is fit to lead a one car funeral. They have been chosen for two criteria: 1) they have sworn personal allegiance to TRAITOR Trump instead of the US Constitution; and, 2) they are willing to commit TREASON in the group effort to rob the United States Treasury and destroy the country for TRAITOR Trump. Nearly all of them have long histories of public statements about destroying the particular departments for which they have been nominated. There has never been a more unfit group of individuals suggested as directors of the departments of the US government in the entire history of our country. The titular head of this criminal syndicate, TRAITOR Trump, has been indicted on 94 felony accounts in recent years; convicted of 34 of those felony charges without ever having served a day in prison; held judicially responsible for the rape and defamation of a woman, and ordered to pay her more than 80 million dollars for those crimes; found, along with 2 of his sons to be unfit to head a business in the state of New York; and found to be guilty of robbing the coffers of a fake charity he created along with having robbed the "students" of a fake "university" he created. At least two more of the male members of this criminal syndicate have also been accused of being sexual predators including one whose own mother confronted him about his total disregard for women in a now public e-mail message. Another has publicly stated that "a worm ate my brain". He has never been doubted in the accuracy of that statement. He is also a well known cocaine addict whose own extended family very publicly refused to endorse his own effort to run for the presidency. Yet another of the members of this criminal syndicate has been suggested as an ambassador to France after having served actual penitentiary time for major business crimes. A female member of the criminal syndicate bragged in her autobiography that she shot her hunting dog because she didn't like the way it hunted. Yes, for the first time in American History women have been admitted to the top tier of a criminal syndicate. If you have read this far and failed to understand that the members of TRAITOR Trump's criminal syndicate are unfit to be seen in public without a parole officder present, you are much more naive than I believe my readers generally are. We are facing the greatest danger to American Democracy in the history of the nation. We are highly likely to suffer from this gang for the next four years and lose the most valuable aspects of our democracy along the way. They must be held judicially responsible for their crimes, both past and future, and all of them from top to bottom must be removed from any official or semi-official position they manage to gain. We must all make a heartfelt commitment to fight them every day until all of them are gone from public view. We must win every upcoming election for members of congress. We must demand that these criminals not be approved for the positions to which they have been nominated. We must resist this criminal syndicate on a daily basis and never allow such a tragedy to ever happen in the United States again.

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