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Saturday, October 26, 2019

Keys To The Kentucky Election 2019

On Tuesday, November 5, 2019, the Kentucky General Election will take place with all statewide constitutional offices up for election including governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, state auditor, attorney general, and commissioner of agriculture.  In my opinion, this is the most important election in Kentucky in many years, perhaps even all time.  There has never been a more clear cut separation of the parties and candidates in Kentucky election history.  The future of the entire state government system and the long term well being of most of the citizens of the state hangs in the balance.  The next four years in Kentucky can be either among the best in state history or literally the four worst and most damaging years in the history of the state.  

For the past four years, Kentucky has been saddled with the most unpopular and most destructive governor in all fifty states, Repugnican Matt Bevin, who actually isn't even from Kentucky.  Over the last few years, the Repugnican party has also managed to gain majority control in both houses of the state legislature.  We have been attacked by the governor and his Right Wing Radical Repugnican supporters in a multitude of ways.  They have passed right to work legislation which  is always a lie and a direct attack on the working class anytime, anywhere it is proposed or passed.  They have passed radical and ignorant changes to Kentucky gun laws which now allow anyone who can legally own a gun to carry that gun in concealment without any permit or oversight from any form of government.  They have attempted to destroy the pension systems for Kentucky teachers and other retirees.  The governor and his Right Wing Radical Repugnican co-conspirators have only been prevented from destroying the state by virtue of the fact that we have had a highly qualified, morally solid attorney general in Andy Beshear who is now the only qualified candidate for the governorship.  The Right Wing Radical Repugnican candidate for attorney general has never really practiced law and his only claim to fame is that he assisted the TRAITOR who illegally occupies the White House to appoint a sexual predator to the US Supreme Court.  If Matt Bevin is reelected and he has a Right Wing Radical Repugnican attorney general to assist him in his crime spree along with the morally corrupt state legislature, they will literally destroy public education, health care, social justice, and many other departments of Kentucky state government in the next four years.  They must be stopped!  Kentucky voters must vote straight Democratic in order to protect this state not just for the next four years but for all time.  The amount of damage that would be done by the group of Right Wing Repugnican Radicals over the next four years would do damage that might be irreversible for decades.  

The keys to the election will be voter turnout especially by teachers and public employees and retirees; solidarity among the aforementioned voting blocks; and, the level of political knowledge among those voting blocks.  Literally, this election lies in the hands of Kentucky teachers, public employees and retirees of all occupations, and liberal leaning voters.  In any election in recent memory in Kentucky, teachers and those they should have been able to influence to vote in a rational manner could have provided the most crucial blocks of votes and prevented the disastrous election of Matt Bevin and his Right Wing Radical co-conspirators in the legislature.  Teachers and those they could have been expected to be able to influence could have saved the state from the last four deeply damaging years and they can definitely save the state for the next four years by voting straight Democratic and putting Matt Bevin out of office.  Teachers and all other public employees must go to the polls en masse, must influence every relative to vote with them, and must vote in their own best interest and the best interest of the entire state.  Kentucky public education, public health, and social welfare programs have been under constant attack by Matt Bevin for four solid years.  He must be stopped and the only way to do that is to vote for Andy Beshear and the entire Democratic ticket on Tuesday, November 5, 2019. 


Anonymous said...

I cannot believe you still believe
in the Democratic Party! They are not for the working people anymore, and if you believe they are take a look around and tell me what they have done for the people of Kentucky. All the years they were in power. And tell me how they are going to make Kentucky Great Again.

Roger D. Hicks said...

Dear Anonymous,
Ignorance like yours is why a Carpet Bagger is living in the KY governor's mansion and a Russian Owned TRAITOR is living illegally in the White House after committing TREASON with Russia, Ukraine, and Syria. Pull your head out of your ass!

Roger D. Hicks said...

We got rid of the Carpet Bagger in Frankfort and we are coming after the TRAITOR who is living illegally in the White House based on his TREASON with Russia, Ukraine, Syria, and Turkey!