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Saturday, February 1, 2020

The Incalculable Costs Of TREASON!

Donald Trump is a TRAITOR!  All 51 US senators who voted to whitewash his TREASON are TRAITORS!  America is now headed into the darkest hours in this country since Pearl Harbor.  As bad as it has been in America since January 20, 2017, it will only be a candle flame compared to the Right Wing Radical attacks on America, American Democracy, and everything good and valuable which will take place until this now fully unleashed Russian Agent is forced out of the White House, the scene of his most recent three year crime spree.  It is impossible to calculate how much damage can be done to this country by this TRAITOR and the other TRAITORS who have supported his TREASON in the time we must still suffer from the plague they have created and will further spread across this country.  A megalomaniac has now been told he is free to commit any crimes he chooses for as long as We The People allow him to remain illegally in the White House based on his TREASON with Russia, Ukraine, Syria, and Turkey.  Innumerable crimes against democracy will be committed in the coming months until, at least, January 20, 2021.  

We will see a multitude of systemic attacks on democracy in the next year and we will also see a multitude of random terroristic acts by Right Wing Radicals because they also believe they have been told there is no crime for which they will be held responsible.  The Right Wing Radical Repugnican TRAITORS who refused to hold an honest impeachment trial in the US Senate will now go on to assist the TRAITOR they released to destroy the US federal court system by adding even more Right Wing Radical judges at all levels of the judicial system.  They will work to pass hundreds of laws in the US Senate with the intent to destroy environmental, education, human services, and health care laws in this country.  They will further damage the enforcement aspects of gun control in this country and further increased acts of domestic terrorism will take place by the various groups of lunatics who support this TRAITOR and his crime spree.  There will be no federally based attempts to control corporate greed and corruption.  We are already seeing hundreds of counties and small towns across America pass ignorant local ordinances claiming these jurisdictions are Second Amendment Sanctuaries which will not enforce federal gun control laws.  We are seeing organized efforts to destroy the Affordable Care Act, the US Department of Education, the Environmental Protection Agency, and nearly every other agency of the federal government which operates in the best interests of the people.  
There will be literally no end to the attacks on organized government in this country. Right Wing Radical acts of domestic terrorism will become even more widespread than they have been for the last three years.  Groups such as the NRA, the KKK, the Aryan Brotherhood, Neo-Nazis, and hundreds of other small, loosely organized collections of domestic terrorists otherwise known as "the basket of deplorables" will commit more mass murders, gun crimes will spread like the plague and the Terrorist and TRAITOR who is living illegally in the White House will do nothing to stop it because he is a Russian Agent and has been since 1989 when Alpha Bank and Deutsch Bank bailed him out of his casino bankruptcies.  He and the 51 TRAITORS in the US Senate will continue to do the work of Russia and Vladimir Putin to destroy America and American Democracy.  Our only hope as a nation is to support the Democratic majority in the US House of Representatives, work to elect Democrats to every elective office in America, and to oppose and resist this TRAITOR and the other TRAITORS who support him and his crimes.  Organize; Vote Straight Democratic; Donate to Democratic Candidates; Stand Up,  Speak Out, Speak Up; and never fail to confront this Russian Agent and his supporters.  

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