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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Some Thoughts On A Quote From Pearl S. Buck

"Yes, it was a great country, and he was part of it.  Men like him chose a common man and bade him to go to Washington and run the nation for them, and so long as they willed, he obeyed them.  When they willed, they sent him home again, and he went back to some little place...and was no more than anybody else.  It was a glorious idealism,
its only weakness the weakness of the individual."  (Pearl S. Buck, "The Townsman", Chapter 38, published under the pseudonym John Sedges)
During the course of her life, after returning to the United States from China, Pearl S. Buck wrote and published five novels under the pseudonym John Sedges because at the time her publisher believed that the American people simply thought of Pearl S. Buck as a Chinese or Asian writer and would not accept her writing fiction about America.  This is the only one of the John Sedges novels I have read at this point.  But I will complete them all in time based on how much I love this one. As I have been reading "The Townsman", I have come to love it and was particularly struck by the quotation above when I came upon it near the end of the novel.  What an important and accurate quote it is especially in these turbulent and terrifying times in America, the America which both Pearl S. Buck and I have loved.  But I do not intend to write at length in this post about the entire novel.  I only want to address the quotation above.  For these times, in March of 2020, with America facing the worst pandemic in the world since the polio outbreak of the early twentieth century this quote is both accurate and fraught with warning for this country and its people.  Taking the quotation line by line, let us examine it.  

"Yes, it was a great country and he was part of it." Yes, this is a great country, or was a great country.  But over the last four or so years, since the day the TRAITOR Trump announced he was running for president, the country has deteriorated sadly and immensely due primarily to the idiotic, unpatriotic, destructive, racist, violent, and ignorant speech from the TRAITOR Trump.  A coalition of the most gullible, criminal, and Right Wing Radical people in the country, including many who mistakenly claim they are Christians, has supported him and his TREASONOUS activities and the country has deteriorated morally, ethically, and legislatively as a result.  Our respect, as a nation in the eyes of the world has deteriorated greatly and now we are facing an unforeseen crisis which will turn out to be the worst health care crisis in the world since the polio epidemic of the early twentieth century.  Sadly, we have no leadership at the top fit to deal with it.

Men like him chose a common man and bade him to go to Washington and run the nation for them, and so long as they willed, he obeyed them.  From 1789 until 2012, the truths in the preceding sentence were upheld in America.  But in 2016, TRAITOR Trump, with the assistance of Russia, Vladimir Putin, and Russian hackers stole a US presidential election and now nothing in that sentence above is true.  Men and women like the average citizen had their election, their presidency, their White House, and their country stolen from them and on January 20, 2017, a TRAITOR was actually allowed to illegally occupy the White House and he has never done the will of anyone except his Russian Master Vladimir Putin.  There have even been intimations, at times, both from TRAITOR Trump and his Russian master Vladimir Putin that he might not even step down at the end of this illegally obtained term. At no point, has TRAITOR Trump obeyed the will of the people.  The only will he has obeyed has been the will of his Russian Master Vladimir Putin.  He does not, has never, and will never obey the will of the electorate and only obeys the will of Vladimir Putin under duress which began when Russia bailed him out of his disastrous casino bankruptcies in 1989 through Deutsche Bank and Alfa Bank. At that time, no American bank with sufficient assets to do so would loan TRAITOR Trump enough money to save him from total financial collapse.  He belongs to Russia and he has always belonged to Russia since the day that first Russian backed loan was granted to him and he will belong to Russia until the day he dies or until the day they consider him no longer useful to Russian interests.

When they willed, they sent him home again, and he went back to some little place...and was no more than anybody else.  There are several separate key segments to this deceptively simple little sentence from Pearl S. Buck.  "When they willed" is a segment we have discussed at some length in the segment above which discusses in part the use of the very similar words "so long as they willed" and we will not repeat ourselves here.  But when you combine the words "when they willed" with the following phrase "they sent him home again", we arrive at a very important issue as regards the TRAITOR Trump and his lack of obedience to the will of the American electorate, his related total obedience to the will of Vladimir Putin and Russia, and the aforementioned doubt as whether or not the TRAITOR Trump will even obey the will of the people when he is defeated in the 2020 election and willingly leave the White House, the scene of most of his crime spree from January 20, 2017, until today, as I write, March 24, 2020.  Now, let's look at the last phrase in the sentence: "he went back to some little place...and was no more than anybody else".  That entire phrase and the totality of its validity rests on whether or not the occupant of the White House, whomever he or she may be, is willing to leave willingly at the end of their term whether that term was legitimately or illegitimately achieved.  In the case of the current illegitimate occupant of the White House, serious doubt exists among many of the most astute and intelligent people in the country and the world as to whether or not he will actually leave the White House willingly.  Their doubts are based in well documented statements both from TRAITOR Trump and those closest to him including his Russian Master Vladimir Putin.  Naturally, the question remains unanswered as to exactly what other public officials of the United States, including governors, senators, congress members, the Supreme Court, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff , would do in the event that an election were held, TRAITOR Trump were defeated, and then he refused to concede and leave the property of the taxpayers who had just rejected him.  Let us all hope that we never need to learn the answer to that question.  But if it does become necessary to learn, it is my fervent hope that the Joint Chiefs would do their duty and forcibly remove the usurper from the Oval Office.  It is also interesting from a psychological point of view to realize that the TRAITOR Trump has never believed, and mistakenly so, that he is "no more than anybody else" when in fact for every day of his criminal and TREASONOUS existence he has been far less than any other randomly selected and honest citizen of the country.  His ordinariness, his criminal nature, his limited intellectual skills, and his bone deep dishonesty indicate in an incontrovertible way that he is far less than the average voter who will, God willing, order him to give up his usurped office and leave to await further indictment, prosecution and eventual imprisonment for his TREASON and assorted other crimes.  

It was a glorious idealism, its only weakness the weakness of the individual."  At the time Pearl S. Buck wrote the book "The Townsman" and wrote the paragraph we have been examining, she had no way of knowing whether her words would ever be applicable to any political situation in America such as the one we are mired in as a country today.  Although she was expressing her own deeply held beliefs about America, American Democracy, and the Presidency, she had no way of knowing just how prescient her words would become seventy-five years after the book was published in 1944.  But prescient they are.  The entire concept of American Democracy and the US Constitution and everything it governs including the presidency does represent "a glorious idealism".  In the two hundred plus years since the US Constitution was written, several other democracies and constitutions have been modeled after ours.  Our democracy has managed to survive every assault which has risen against it since 1789.  We have survived multiple wars including two world wars.  We have survived prior economic collapses and health care epidemics including the Great Depression and the polio epidemic.  But in all those years, this country and this democracy has never been faced with a double breasted crisis such as the one we are facing now.  We are in the throes of the worst world wide pandemic since the 1918 Influenza Epidemic attacked the world.  We are in the throes of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930's.  Simultaneously, we are forced to face this two-pronged assault with the White House under occupation by an illegitimate claimant to the title of US President who claim to that title arose in a criminal nature and was facilitated by TREASON in cooperation with the worst geopolitical enemy this country has.  "The weakness of the individual" as Pearl S. Buck wrote it is at the heart of our worst crisis in American history.  The criminal weakness of the TRAITOR Trump has placed us in an untenable position as a country and a people.  We must survive this crisis and he must receive the punishment he deserves for the damage he has done to this country.  When is removed from office by vote, and if necessary by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, he must be indicted, prosecuted, convicted, and incarcerated for his TREASON and assorted other crimes against the government and the people of the United States, and he must be forced to serve his sentence in a secure federal prison to the literal end of his miserable, TREASONOUS life.   

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