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Thursday, May 21, 2020

I Got Tested For Covid 19! So Should You!

On Tuesday, May 19, 2020, my wife and I traveled to Saint Claire Medical Center in Morehead Kentucky to participate in a free, drive through Corona Virus test.  I hear people talking all the time about how they will not participate in testing, will not wear a mask in public, and think that all the promotions about staying safe against the spread of the most dangerous virus in the world is all "a hoax", or useless, or crazy, or whatever asinine excuse they can come up with to avoid being tested.  The entire procedure from the time we drove into the parking lot to the completion of testing and driving away was about fifteen minutes.  Isn't it worth fifteen minutes of your time to avoid becoming an asymptomatic carrier, infecting dozens of people, and possibly causing the deaths of some of them?  The test itself is a bit unpleasant.  The nurse, in full personal protective equipment (PPE) walked up each window of our vehicle, asked a few identifying questions, entered them into a laptop, and returned with a long handled swab which was probably six inches long.  I honestly cannot tell you whether the handle portion of the swab was plastic or twisted paper like a stick for a child's sucker.  The cotton tip of the swab was then inserted up each of our nostrils all the way to the back of our throats which takes less than ten seconds but is a bit unpleasant.  I had to sneeze into my mask a couple of times shortly after the test was performed.  My wife did not and seemed to dislike the procedure less than me.  This morning, two days later, I went on the patient portal at Saint Claire and checked our results which were both negative as we expected.  My wife, due to serious complicating health problems has not gone into a public setting in over two months.  I do the chores and always wear a mask and gloves.  You should also always wear a mask and gloves.  There are no valid reasons for not wearing a mask in public.  There are no valid reasons for not wearing gloves in public.  There are no valid reasons for not being tested.  There are only excuses.  If you allow your irrational fears of testing or your ignorant justifications for not wearing a mask and gloves to prevent you from helping in the fight to stop the spread of this virus will you be willing to step up and take responsibility for the potential dozens of infections and deaths your refusals led to?  I doubt it.  You should be tested and you should wear a mask and gloves in public.  You are simply assisting in the spread of the deadliest disease to hit the world in many years if you do not.  This virus has already killed 95,000 innocent American victims as of today, May 21, 2020, and will kill more than 100,000 before June 1, 2020.  It is also likely to kill 150,000 before July 1, 2020.  Are you going to help it in its work or are you going to help the country fight it? 

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