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Thursday, February 4, 2021

Donald Trump, Russian Intelligence Asset According to "The Guardian"

It is always great to learn that you have been correct about anything.  It is even better when you learn that you have been correct about a very important thing.  Today, January 30, 2021, I learned that I was correct, which I have known in my heart all along, in my deep seated conviction that the TRAITOR Donald Trump has been a Russian intelligence asset since the 1980's.  I admit that using the words "TRAITOR  Trump" and "Intelligence" in the same sentence creates an oxymoron of the worst kind.  Today, I read a news story on "The Guardian" which is one of the greatest and most accurate sources of news in the world.  In their story of January 29, 2021, entitled "The Perfect Target: Russia Cultivated Trump As An Asset For Forty Years- ex-KGB Spy", their writer David Smith provides details of an interview he conducted with retired KGB officer Yuri Shvets who is now an American citizen living and operating a corporate security firm in Virginia detailed how the TRAITOR Trump was cultivated by Russia's intelligence forces beginning in 1977 and worked both with and on him ever since to the fulfillment of their most extravagant dream, having an intelligence asset inside the Oval Office.  

Shvets was interviewed by journalist Craig Unger for an upcoming book and began disclosing how Russian kompromat, their term for the use and control of foreign intelligence assets, was able to feed TRAITOR Trump Russian talking points, flatter him  with women and Russian bank loans when no American bank would loan him money, and use him to fulfill their goals in the United States.  The news story details how a KGB asset in New York City was able to assess TRAITOR Trump as a possible asset and to direct him to others higher up the ladder who completed the process.  What is truly interesting about this story is that the scenario in the news story on "The Guardian" is eerily close to the scenario I used to write my short story, "Burial At Sea", which has been published on the Northwest Indiana Literary Journal, the Creativity Webzine in Germany, and on my blog all under the public domain since I wanted the story  to be published and circulated as widely as possible before the 2020 election since I have known from wide reading of other authors over the past five years that the only logical explanation of TRAITOR Trump's love of Russia was Russian kompromat.  In all three publications, I made clear that I want the story to be always in the public domain so it can be published and circulated anywhere, anytime, by anybody, so long as I am given appropriate author credit.  My wording on Creativity Webzine is as follows regarding publishing the story in the public domain: "Author’s Note: While this story is copyrighted, the copyright is intended only to protect my authorship. Anyone, any time, anywhere has my unrestricted permission to disseminate this story on any medium whether now known or created in the distant future. You may share it on social media, e-mail, websites, books, magazines, literary journals, or other forms of mass communication. I do not seek or require any form of remuneration for this work other than dissemination of the work. This permission is granted in tribute to my mentor, Don West, who published his life’s work without a copyright. The only thing I ask is that you give appropriate author credit and my brief bio is below." If you have the desire to pass my story on, feel free to do so under those circumstances.   

 "The Guardian" is one of the best, most reliable news sources in the world. If they publish a story you can bet it was vetted and proven to be true! For those of you who have read my short story, “Burial At Sea”, or Bill Best’s book, “Li’l Donnie” which contains an afterword I wrote along with a foreword by Juanita Herrington, or any of the other political books which I have written about on my blog, "My Appalachian Life" at Blog Spot, or posted about on Facebook, you will not be surprised.  I will never have to confess on judgment day that I did not Stand Up, Speak Up, and Speak Out against TRAITOR Trump! What about you?




1 comment:

Kelly said...

Thank you for writing this, your words validate what I have been telling my siblings for years. They refuse to believe that Trump is in Putin's pocket. Unfortunately they believe Trump's lies.