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Monday, July 25, 2022

The Danger Of "Imposter Christianity" In America Today

I received an e-mail this morning with a link from my cousin, more like a brother, Jack Terry which had a link to a news story from CNN on it with the title "An Imposter Christianity" Is Threatening American Democracy".  I opened the link, read about two paragraphs and hit "Reply All" since Jack had also sent the message to some other family members, at least one of which has been a member or a fairly right wing radical church with a twisted interpretation of the Bible.  The message below is what I said to those people including the family member who has been sorely mislead by her church and its minister.

I read the first paragraph of this article and realized I didn’t need to read the rest, not because I don’t agree with what it says but because I knew several years ago what it says and that one of the greatest dangers to democracy in the United States is posed by people who cloak themselves in a distorted, hateful, and evil misrepresentation of what they lie to the world and call Christianity.  These same people supported the TRAITOR Trump, his many co-conspirators who are also running for all levels of offices across the country, and making a well organized attempt to destroy the country under their twisted, criminal, and evil lies which they shield with blatant misrepresentations of the Bible, or at least their selected portions of the Bible.  They are charlatans, criminals, traitors, and enemies of the United States Of America, the US Constitution, and all they represent.  This was already beginning before Putin and Russia stole the US Presidential Election in 2016 in order to install a Russian Owned TRAITOR in the White House.  But Putin and his hackers who managed to steal an 80,000 vote total lead in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania where smart enough to realize they could use TRAITOR Trump to further mislead these pseudo-Christians into helping them destroy America.  Yes, an American election has been stolen, in 2016, not in 2020 when President Biden became the first duly, legally elected President in four years.  Putin stole that election for a TRAITOR he and Russia had owned for at least 40 years.  And today, especially since the TREASON, insurrection, and domestic terrorism of January 6th, America is facing the greatest threat to Democracy in our history and it is being driven by these TRAITORS who shield themselves behind their blatant misrepresentations of the Bible. 

Let me give you who claim to be Christians a little reading assignment.  Take a Bible, preferably a red letter edition of the King James Bible which has the words attributed to Jesus in red print, and do the following. 

  1. Begin in the New Testament with the Gospel attributed to the Apostles of Jesus and read Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, and Revelation.
  2. Every time you come to one of the sections which is attributed to Jesus or one of the Apostles as a direction to their followers, the real Christians, and ask yourself, did TRAITOR Trump ever do that?  The answer will always be NO. 
  3. When you get to Revelation and find those areas of the text which are purported to be the signs of the coming of the Anti-Christ, read it carefully and ask yourself could that apply to the TRIATOR Trump.  The answer will always be YES. 
  4. When you have figured this out and realized I am correct, if you still believe you are a Christian or want to be a Christian, take yourself as far away from these charlatans as possible, find a church which does not support TRAITOR Trump and his many co-conspirators and does not engage in politics, and firmly supports the Separation Of Church And State and follow what the Bible actually says.
  5. If you ever falter in doing that and need a refresher course in what I have just told you, go to the link below and read it again and doe exactly what it says.



I'd like to invite all of my readers to do the same thing.  


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