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Thursday, March 7, 2024

Right Wing Radical Repugnicans In Frankfort Declare War On The Working Class

On February 10, 2024, I wrote in a blog post about the current Kentucky state legislature and their active effort to become the worst legislature in America.  I had promised at that time to continue to write about their effort to destroy democracy and individual constitutional rights in the state.  I have to admit that I have been remiss in not having written about them on a daily basis since they have been working on a daily basis to pull off their plan.  This post in particular is about one pending piece of legislation which is as diabolical as anything passed in any state legislature in the nation.  It is literally a declaration of war on the entire working class in the state.  It is labeled House Bill 500 and the key elements of it are listed in the image below which is from the Kentucky State AFL-CIO.  

 May be an image of text

 As you can see in the image above, House Bill 500 will repeal several elements of pro-labor legislation which have been considered sacrosanct all across America for more than 50 to 100 years.  Union men and women literally fought and died for these rights all across the United States and the working class has grown to assume that they would never be attacked or eliminated in a democratic country or state.  But Kentucky is no longer a democratic state.  By the phrase "Kentucky is n o longer a democratic state", I do not mean that the state is being run by Right Wing Radical Repugnicans which it is except for the governor and his appointed staff.  I mean that the Right Wing Radical Repugnicans in the state legislature and the majority of statewide elected offices have been working to destroy democracy in Kentucky on a daily basis since they gained control of the majority of the elected offices in the state.  When a state legislature even quietly considers taking away the rights of workers to have a designated lunch period, a designated break or rest period, or to receive overtime pay if they are forced to work 7 days in a row, or the other rights they want to destroy with this legislation, they are declaring war on the entire working class in the state.  And the only reasonable response to such an act must be for the working class to declare war on that state legislature and remove every one of them from office in the November 2024 election.  A vote for any Right Wing Radical Repugnican for any office in Kentucky is a vote against the working class; against teachers, nurses, EMT's, police officers, and every other blue collar worker in the state.  This is a link to House Bill 500 as described above.  You can go to this link and read the bill for yourself to see exactly what it and its sponsors intend to destroy.  This bill will literally rob every worker in the state of their individual and collective rights to have a decent, acceptable working environment.  Every legislator who votes for this bill or even speaks out loud in favor of it must be voted out of office in the November election.  We must remove these people from office all across the state and we must give Governor Andy Beshear a Democratic majority in both houses of the legislature for the last three years of his term so all the actions of this legislature can be repealed, revoked, and never again be thought of in this state.   Phillip Pratt is the original sponsor of House Bill 500 and is also sponsoring another bill, House Bill 255 which is intended to weaken child labor laws in the state.  He must be defeated and so must any other public figure at any level in the state of Kentucky who votes for, publicly speaks out in support of, or commits any act in defense of these two bills.  

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