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Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Half A Million Page Views In The Life Of This Blog!

Sometime overnight this blog reached 500,000 page views for the life of the blog.  It has consistently averaged about 3,000 page views a month over the last several years but on several occasions it has had as many as 10,000 to 19,000 page views in a month.  On one occasion, in March 2015, it came up just short of 21,000 page views for the month.  And, all the page views and follower numbers are due to the fact that the blog has slowly accumulated a gradually growing number of followers now at about 215.   Without readers, there would no reason to write a blog, or to put it another way "if a tree falls in the wilderness and nobody hears it does it make a sound".  The answer to that one is no in my opinion.  Once in a while I write a post about some person in the history of Appalachia and suddenly receive a comment from a family member, friend, or former student of that person who says "Thank You!"  That makes it all worthwhile!  You might have also noticed that I have never allowed advertisements on this blog.  It has never been about an attempt to make money.  For me, it has always been about spreading information and ideas to as many people as possible.  My original intent was to keep this blog absolutely restricted to topics about Central and Southern Appalachia.  In May of 2016, I found it necessary to write about Matt Bevin's War Against Appalachian People  and I have never regretted having taken that step.  Matt Bevin proved on a daily basis that he was totally unfit to hold any position of public trust at any level.  In October of 2016, I finally wrote my first blog post about the TRAITOR Trump.  I deeply regret that I did not write a first post about TRAITOR Trump much sooner.  As our country has steadily sunk deeper and deeper into the moral and ethical desert which has been created by TRAITOR Trump and those who support him, I have wept as the majority of the greatest nation on earth have done.  I will continue to write speak out against, and do everything in meager power to try to influence every American I can to work to help us hold this TRAITOR, multiple rapist, career criminal, tax cheat, racist, and idiot responsible for at least part of his thousands of crimes against America, American Democracy, the human race, and the planet in its entirety.  If that upsets you, you are part of the problem.  And, in closing, I would like to thank all of you who read this blog, learn from at times, and agree with the values which it works to uphold.  THANK YOU ALL!  


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