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Thursday, February 22, 2024

Ten Days Offline Was A Satisfying Break!

My personal computer died an ignoble death on February 12, 2024, during a stretch when I had been working more consistently on this blog than I had in quite some time.  But I would also state that it has now been several years since I failed to post at least one new blog post every month.  I have never had any desire to live with my head stuck in a an I-Phone and I consistently refuse to send or receive text messages since I fully believe that at least 90% of text messages are absolutely a waste of time, energy, and band width.  This post is not intended to fulfill one of my long-stated intentions to write a post about just what a horribly lazy society we have become in the computer age.  I have said many times that if I were still regularly hiring employees today I would fully implement a plan to test those employees for their literacy level before the interview began by having a secretary or receptionist advise each applicant upon their appearing in the office that they would be taking part in a brief pre-interview exercise.  I would have the secretary hand each applicant a yellow legal pad and a ball point pen, instruct them to place all their electronic devices in a lockable box on the desk to which they would be given the key, and told to take a seat at an empty desk across the room to write in complete sentences, proper grammar, sentax, and spelling a short essay on exactly why they were the best person for the open job.  It would not take any longer than that fifteen minutes to learn which appliancts had been the beneficiaries of the equivalent of a sixth grade education and which had simply skated through both grammer school and high school (and perhaps even college) dependent on their I-phones, laptops, and other electronic devices.  My point in telling this little story is that no human alive today should be unable to spend at least a week without such devices and that they sure as hell shouldn't allow themselves to become dependent on those devices to communicate, spell, write, do math, or accomplish any other chore which a reasonably well educated person should be able to achieve with a piece of paper and a pen.  

Since I have been a user of Facebook, the only social media platform in which I partake, I have twice taken a month off without ever touching it.  So should all of you be able to do with regard to any social media program, electronic device, or other assistive technological equipment you regularly use.  If you cannot succeed in daily life without those devices, you are not actually succeeding with them.  

If everyone alive would spend a week every year without access to electronic devices, the world would be a better place in no time.  

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