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Friday, July 12, 2024

A Message For All You Rat Fink, Turncoat, So-called Democrats!

 I like the photograph of President Biden because it is one I personally shot of him when he was simply "the former Vice President" in Owingsville, Kentucky, when he was in Kentucky campaigning for Amy McGrath.  I know it isn't the best photograph anyone ever shot of the President but I still like it.  

Now, let's get to the real point of this blog post.  At this point in history, a couple of dozen of the slimiest, self-described, but at best questionable, self-described "Democrats" in America are on a misbegotten and self-serving campaign to force the President to drop out of the race for re-election simply because he had a "bad debate".  Nearly all of these jackasses fall into one of two groups.  They are either members of the House of Representatives who represent districts which are either swing districts or districts which have recently been gerrymandered. A few of them also represent generally dependable Democratic districts in otherwise Right Wing Radical Repugnican states. The other portion of the majority of these jackasses have the even more misbegotten idea that they are qualified to be President and think that if it comes down to a brokered convention they might be the nominee.  This group includes Mark Warner, US Senator from Virginia, and a couple of others.  None of the individuals who are trying to pull off this coup are remotely capable of winning the White House against even a candidate as reprehensible as TRAITOR Trump. Then, there are one or two more who are already proven idiots.  What they all have in common, and have already proven as soon as they opened their mouths on this topic is that they are willing to sacrifice both the White House and the country to keep a seat in congress.  It is long past time for all of them to sit down, shut up, and wait until several other members of Democratic party who have higher morals, better judgment, and more elevated IQ scores to tell them they actually know enough to be allowed to speak in public.  

Yes, I shot this photograph on the same day as the other. 

The question  now becomes "what does the average, loyal American Democrat do in the face of this asinine effort by a group of malcontents who are willing to destroy America for their jobs".  First, you don't fall for their jackass idea and remain loyal to the President.  Second, you work your ass off both in public and in private to help guarantee that the President is re-elected.  That means that you not only go to vote but you also get as many others as possible to vote for President Biden.  You speak out at every opportunity, both in public and in private, in support of the President. You confront this ignorance every time you hear it no matter whose mouth it is coming from.  Third, you wait for the day to come when the Democratic party once again has control of all three branches of government and prove that you have not forgotten what these jackasses have done and do all you can to help defeat every one of them in any way can and to guarantee that they no longer hold any position of public trust at any level all the way down to dogcatcher in some small, poverty stricken district.  


President Biden must be re-elected if America is to remain a democracy.  He is running against a proven TRAITOR, convicted felon, career criminal, pathological liar, insurrectionist, domestic terrorist, and idiot whose IQ on the best day of his life would have been 15 to 25 points below that of President Biden today or even as it is likely to be 10 years from now.  This is a race between Patriotism and TREASON, Democracy and Fascism, Statesmanship and Criminality, Morality and Amorality, Truth and Deliberate Lies, Decency and Indecency, Hope For The Future and Guaranteed Disaster on a monstrous scale.  Do all you can to guarantee that President Biden is reelected.  Do it on a daily basis!  Do it at every opportunity and work on a daily basis to create, locate, and utilize more opportunities to do the same.  

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