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Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Pascal's Wager And The 2024 Presidential Election


Blaise Pascal was a French mathematician, physicist, inventor, and philosopher who was born in 1623 and died in 1662 at the age of 39.  Despite his short life, much of his work is still important to several fields of human endeavor today including decision theory, game theory, theology, and philosophy.  Arguably, the most important part of that work is Pascal's Wager which he originally created as an argument to justify the existence of God and to assist those agnostics who applied it to their cognitive processes to arrive at the conclusion that God does exist, or to at least convince them to choose to support that contention.  Pascal's Wager, in the most simplistic terms, says that anytime you are attempting to make a decision about anything which has two options you should follow this process in your decision making.  Pascal's Wager works when the two decision options you are considering have the following qualities.  One of the options means that if you choose it and are correct that you will win everything and lose nothing.  The second option means that if you choose it and are correct that you will win nothing and lose everything.  

The 2024 Presidential Election is the perfect situation for the use of Pascal's Wager.  We have two options in the upcoming November 2024 election.  By choosing President Joe Biden, we will be giving four more years to the same president and administration that saved America from both the Covid pandemic, which was never dealt with by TRAITOR Trump, and which began in the USA in January 2020 after TRAITOR Trump had been informed and warned by both the American healthcare community and the American intelligence agencies that the pandemic was coming and could destroy the country.  The country was nearly destroyed by the pandemic and more than one million innocent Americans died as a result while and because the illegal occupant of the White House was doing nothing, broadly resisting and refusing the input and suggestions of the medical community, and even suggesting that Americans should inject themselves with poisonous chemicals such as Clorox. In interviews with Bob Woodward, TRAITOR Trump even admitted to concealing and minimizing the danger of Covid from the public. If President Biden had not been elected and immediately begun to work with the scientific and healthcare communities, we have no idea how many innocent victims of the pandemic would have died.  TRAITOR Trump did nothing about Covid and President Biden saved the country from Covid.  The resultant economic disaster which was caused by TRAITOR Trump's initial failure to deal with Covid and the million plus deaths and the requisite quarantines and shutdowns of much of the country also nearly destroyed the country.  At the time President Biden won the election on November 8, 2020, the Dow Jones Average was at about 29,000.  Today, July 17, 2024, after three plus years of intelligent and productive work by President Biden, the Federal Reserve Board, and the entire economic community, the Dow Jones Average is at 40,000.90.  It has gained 10,000 points under President Biden and Covid is no longer an issue so long as we maintain an effective level of vaccinations, confront the antivaccine ignorance which was grossly exacerbated by TRAITOR Trump, and never allow TRAITOR Trump to get anywhere near an American decision making process again.  And with the two choices we face in the election, we have a clear cut case of how to apply Pascal's Wager in our decision making.  Additionally, TRAITOR Trump has been a Russian asset for at least 40 years, incited and defends the worst insurrection in American histroy, has sought to be accepted by every outlaw dictator in the world, and has steadily proven that he his unfit to lead a one car funeral.  

If we vote in support of TRAITOR Trump, we have absolutely nothing to gain and everything to lose.  If we reelect President Biden, we have everything to gain and nothing to lose.  America has been salvaged from the disasters created by TRAITOR Trump over the period from June 16, 2015, to the present.  President Biden has not only protected America from Covid but also led the country to full recovery from TRAITOR Trump's destruction of the economy.  He has rebuilt America's respect in the world, protected Ukraine and NATO from Putin and Russia.  He has actually expanded NATO and with the admission of two Scandinavian countries into NATO  has given the civilized world an 800 mile border with Russia which makes it impossible for Russia to ever succeed in a conventional war with any NATO country.  He is in the process of doing what Ronald Reagan only fantasized about and is very close to breaking down the Russian hold on their country and its people with steady, rational confrontation, embargoes, and diplomatic successes against Russia.  
All you have  to do is apply Pascal's Wager on election day in November and vote to reelect President Biden.  America will be safe after that...except for a likely second attempted insurrection by TRAITOR Trump when he loses his third election.   


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