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Saturday, July 27, 2024

"Too Much And Never Enough: How My Family Created The World's Most Dangerous Man" by Mary Trump--An Older Book For Today's Times

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I had read this book by Mary Trump, Ph.D, in the summer of 2020 shortly after it was published but   never wrote about it on this blog.  I sincerely wish that now, four years later, I had not been required by circumstances to write about it after all.  Mary Trump is the only niece of TRAITOR Trump and a doctoral level psychologist who has known TRAITOR Trump her entire life. While she, like every other qualified mental health professional in America, has never been afforded the opportunity, or necessity, of doing a full psychological or psychiatric examination on TRAITOR Trump, she has a lifetime of experience in close contact with him as a member of the extended family and knows far more than enough about him to form a legitimate professional opinion about his serious mental illness. This book was a moderate best seller in 2020 and deserved to have been a greater success in the market place and to have been much more seriously regarded by the general public especially as they walked into a voting booth.  It is a book which should be required reading for every voter in America today four years after its publication.  The title says a great deal about how Mary Trump regards her TREASONOUS uncle.  Since shortly before the book was published, Mary Trump has devoted most of  her life to helping America fight the existential battle against her uncle.  She states in the book's first few pages that her uncle has serious mental health problems which are indicative and diagnostic of one or more serious and seriously dangerous mental health disorders.  

"Does Donald have other symptoms we aren't aware of? Are there other disorders that might have as much or more explanatory power? Maybe. A case could be made that he also meets the criteria for antisocial personality disorder, which in its most severe form is generally considered sociopathy but can also refer to chronic criminality, arrogance, and disregard for the rights of others. Is there comorbidity? Probably...He may also have a long undiagnosed learning disability that for decades has interfered with his ability to process information." (Mary Trump, "Too Much and Never Enough...", pages 12-13)

That pretty much hit the nail on the head didn't it?  Let me state for the record that I have also worked as a mental health and substance abuse therapist for over twenty years although I am now retired from that profession.  I was a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor in Kentucky during the years in which I practiced and also served for a few years as an adjunct instructor in the same graduate school program in which I received my Masters Degree in Counseling and Human Development.  I concur with Mary Trump wholeheartedly. As TRAITOR Trump rose to illegitimate power with the assistance of Vladimir Putin's Russian hackers, I believed, like Mary Trump, that he meets the diagnostic criteria for antisocial personality disorder but most other mental health professionals who have spoken out on that subject have refrained from actually saying out loud that he is an antisocial personality disordered person.  In my opinion, that fact has been influenced greatly by a long history in mental health treatment and diagnostic circles of never giving that diagnosis to anyone except criminals of the most dangerous and generally well documented kind. But what crime can be worse than TREASON with your country's most virulent enemies such as Kim Jung Un and Vladimir Putin, or stealing documents from the White House and refusing to surrender them when ordered to by the agency with jurisdiction over them?  TRAITOR Trump manifests serious mental health disorders every time he opens his mouth in a public setting. He is also a pathological liar and has one physical, subconscious behavior which is a dead giveaway every time he is telling a lie.  When he does that little, odd head bob to one side or the other, it is a dead giveaway that he is lying.  Mary Trump is not remotely the only qualified mental health professional to speak out about his serious mental illness.  Dr. Bandy X. Lee, M. D. edited a book entitled "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump" which was written in individual articles by 27 of the best, most experienced, and most respected psychiatrists in America.  "Rocket Man: Nuclear Madness And The Mind Of Donald Trump" was edited by John Gartner, Steven Buser, and Leonard Cruz in 2018.  That book is composed of 23 chapters, an introduction, and an afterword with the individual chapters having been written by an equally well qualified group of expert mental health professionals and military experts.  That book was specifically addressing the overwhelming danger of allowing an individual with TRAITOR Trump's overwhelming, and overwhelmingly dangerous, mental disorders to have access to the nuclear arsenal of the nation.  I will write about it further when I have finished reading it.

Now, let's get back to Mary Trump's excellent book.  if you would like a little indicator of how much I value this book, consider that I had passed on my original copy to a family member who also passed it on to another reader.  Hopefully, that copy is still making a journey around the country through multiple readers' hands until it becomes dogeared, begrimed, and beloved by more than one reader.  After having given away that first copy, as this election became more and more ominous, I chose to pay for another copy in order to read it again and write about it until we are no longer endangered by the TREACHEROUS subject of the book.  I began this discussion of Mary Trump's book with a quotation from it's early pages.  Now, let's conclude this discussion of the book with another quotation from its final pages.  This quotation refers to TRAITOR Trump's refusal to take any action to mitigate the oncoming Covid 19 pandemic after he was warned multiple times in January and February 2020 that the pandemic was coming to America and could devastate the country.   

"Donald's initial response to Covid-19 underscores his need to minimize negativity at all costs.  Fear--the equivalent of weakness in our family--is an unacceptable to him now as it was when he was three years old...Donald didn't drag his feet in December 2019, in January, in February, in March because of his narcissism; he did it because of his fear of appearing weak or failing to project the message that everything was "great", "beautiful", and "perfect".  The irony is that his failure to face the truth has inevitably led to massive failure anyway.  In this case, the lives of potentially hundreds of thousands of people will be lost and the economy of the richest country in history may well be destroyed.  Donald will acknowledge none of this, moving the goal posts to hide the evidence and convincing himself in the process that he's done a better job than anybody else could have if only a few hundred thousand die instead of 2 million." (Mary L. Trump, Ph.D, "Too Much And Never Enough: How My Family Created The World's Most Dangerous Man", pages 207-208.)

Now, let's remind ourselves that Mary Trump's book was published on July 14, 2020, and in today's publishing world, it is likely that the last time she had an opportunity to edit her text could have been a few months before that.  So, she had no idea at the time that she wrote the words "if only a few hundred thousand die instead of 2 million" that Covid 19 would actually kill almost 2 million innocent victims of her uncle's murderous inaction.  Her figures were pretty far off, but her accuracy in understanding and stating his willingness to allow his personal mental health impairment to facilitate hundreds of thousands of innocent deaths in America was right on target.  This is a book which every American voter should be required to read before ever stepping into a voting booth again.  You can find good, clean, used copies of the book quite cheaply on most used book websites; and, if you local library isn't influenced by Right Wing Radical Repugnican book banning, you can probably find a copy there.  Read it!  Study it!  Realize that it is factual and use it to influence your voting decision in November 2024.  


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