I frequently sit at my computer located in our family room window and read Internet news stories, work on research for both my own writing and my personal interests, and watch the birds which my wife and I feed outside our window on the pavement of our driveway. Like every one who feeds birds regularly, we sometimes encounter nuisances such as squirrels, rabbits, crows, and, worst of all, brown headed cowbirds. Recently, I was taking my daily walk at our local park, Old Mill Park, in our hometown of West Liberty, KY, and encountered a small family group having a Memorial Weekend picnic at one of the picnic tables near the Licking River which borders the park. As I walked past on the walking path, one of the women who was sitting at a picnic table under a tree commented that a bird egg was on the ground under the tree. I asked them if they knew the habits of brown headed cowbirds in nesting and laying their eggs. None of the people had heard of the species and their habits. But as I was explaining the life cycle of brown headed cowbirds, it suddenly dawned on me that brown headed cowbirds are exactly like Republicans and vice versa. Let me explain.
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Old Mill Park Amphitheater Photo by West Liberty Tourism Commission |
According to the Audubon website Guide To Birds page about the brown headed cowbird we can learn several things about the species and its striking similarity to Republicans both singularly and plurally. Without a doubt, the brown headed cowbird is the most Republican of birds. As the naturalists and writers at Audubon say, "Cowbirds lay their eggs in nests of other birds. Heavy parasitism by
cowbirds has pushed some species to the status of "endangered" and has
probably hurt populations of some others." Republicans, both individually and in groups have for many years and currently endangered many kinds of people and animals species in the world. As of today, TRAITOR & International Terrorist Trump has endangered the lives of 800,000 Immigrant Dreamers by bringing an end to the federal program which allows these people who came to America as children to remain in the country and eventually to gain citizenship. He has endangered the lives of hundreds of thousands of Syrian citizens of all ages who are suffering under a dictatorship which is bombing them with poisonous gases which have been banned from use in war for many years. His decision to give advance warning to Syrian President Assad and Russian President Putin that he intended to pull all US troops out of Syria gave them the green light to resume bombing with poisonous gases and resulted in the horrible attack on Syrian rebels and their children in early April 2018. By living in a nest built by Russian President Vladimir Putin, TRAITOR & International Terrorist Trump has made it highly likely that the Syrian dictator will persist in power and murder thousands more Syrian patriots and their children. More than 3.5 million Puerto Ricans, all United States citizens continue to suffer from a lack of nearly all basic community services because the illegitimate Russian Owned Criminal Syndicate, which occupies the White House on the strength of TREASON, has chosen to refuse to provide disaster relief services to this US owned territory simply because they are Hispanic, did not vote for the TRAITOR & International Terrorist Trump, and do not support him today. How much more like a brown headed cowbird can you be?
The Audubon website goes on to say this about the brown headed cowbird: "Female may lay nearly one egg per day for several weeks, up to 40 in a
season, exceptionally 70 or more. Female often removes an egg from
"host" nest before laying one of her own. Known to have laid eggs in
nests of over 220 species of birds, and over 140 of those are known to
have raised young cowbirds. Young: Fed by "host" parents. Develop
rapidly, and leave nest usually after 10-11 days." Republicans, especially those of higher wealth levels, frequently send their own children to finishing schools, residential schools, and other private schools in order to free themselves of the presence of their own offspring until they are old enough to function minimally successfully on their own. Oakcrest School, a favorite of parents of girls who describe themselves as "conservative", has an annual tuition of nearly $30,000. The Heights in Maryland, a conservative school for boys has a similar annual tuition. While attending such a school for several years might not be exactly like being a bird of a different feather growing up fast in the nest of a robin, cardinal, or oriole, these children of moneyed Republican parents are being nurtured, fed, clothed, and housed by relative strangers.
The Audubon website also delivers highly interesting information about the mating habits of brown headed cowbirds. "In breeding season, male displays by fluffing up body feathers, partly
spreading wings and tail, and bowing deeply while singing. Groups of
males sometimes perch together, singing and displaying." Now doesn't that sound an awfully lot like a Republican Congress in their continuing effort to minimize, deny, and support the ongoing damage which TRAITOR & International Terrorist Trump is doing to America, Democracy, and the world at large? Of course we must address the opening reference to that sentence about "breeding season". At this link, you will find a list of ten of the most egregious sexual scandals among Republican politicians who might have been "...fluffing up body feathers...singing and displaying" during the illicit encounters which brought about their public embarrassments. How much more like a cowbird could they be??? Please note that I did not even mention Stormy Daniels. The website allaboutbirds.org further describes male brown headed cowbirds in this manner: "Males gather on lawns to strut and display for mates." Somehow, that sentence instantly makes me visualize a Rose Garden appearance by the orange headed cowbird himself.
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