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Sunday, July 30, 2017

Health Care Rally Coal Run Village KY July 29, 2017

The War Goes On--We Only Won The Last Battle

On Saturday, July 29, 2017, my wife Candice, my cousin Jack Terry, and I attended a Rally For Health Care at Coal Run City Park in Coal Run Village in Pike County Kentucky.  I have to apologize for not having written about this rally at least two weeks ago so my readers would have been better informed and had a chance to attend the rally.  The bottom line is that the recent win in the US Senate to avoid the destruction of American Health Care was only one battle in what will continue to be a long war unless TRAITOR Trump is indicted, convicted, impeached, and imprisoned for all his crimes, past, present, and future.  This rally was not a celebration of a victory.  It was much more a call to arms for the ongoing war to protect health care for the majority of Americans.  
The rally was sponsored by Kentuckians for the Commonwealth and several other organizations.  If I unintentionally fail to list any of them I apologize in advance. Other organizations which sponsored the rally included the Breathitt County Democratic Women's Club, the United Steel Workers Of America, and several others. Speakers included Dr. Van Breeding a recent winner of Country Doctor of The Year.  Dr. Breeding practises in Whitesburg, KY, and spoke quite positively about the changes which Obama Care has brought to health care in Kentucky and Letcher County.  The rally was also held on the anniversary of the beginning of Medicare and Medicaid.  

The thing that all voters in America, Appalachia, and Kentucky should remember is that the battle against Obama Care will not stop because we won in the Senate more than one time.  The same Right Wing Radical Repugnicans, drug companies, insurance companies, doctors, lawyers, and others who are inciting the TRAITOR Trump group to destroy American Health Care will keep inciting, spending billions in lobbying money, and working to leave Americans in same lurch for health care we had been before President Obama instituted his health care plan.  800,000 Kentuckians, and about 15 to 30 million Americans will lose health care if this plan is allowed to be destroyed.  More than 10,000 of the highest paying and most stable jobs in Kentucky's 5th congressional district will disappear if this plan is destroyed.  Equal numbers of citizens will lose health care and equal numbers of jobs will disappear in other congressional districts all over Central and Southern Appalachia.  West Virginia's 3rd congressional district will have similar losses and their congressman, Evan Jenkins, is doing nothing to protect his district.  The 9th District in Virginia will also have losses nearly as high as those in West Virginia and Kentucky.  The 1st Congressional District in Tennessee will also lose high numbers of jobs and large numbers of the poorest citizens in that state will lose health care if we sit on our butts and allow TRAITOR Trump and his Russian Owned Criminal Conspiracy to destroy the best legislation to pass congress since the Social Security Act.  And, you can bet your butt that if they are allowed to destroy Obama Care they will come after Social Security, Medicare, the GI Bill, and other human services acts as soon as they can.  

Every citizen in America should be up in arms trying to protect Obama Care and fighting to end the attempts to destroy this program.  The United States is the only so-called civilized country in the world without universal health care.  Several Third World countries like Ecuador and Cuba have universal health care because they care for the needs of their citizens instead of their corporations and their rich.  You, as a citizen of both Appalachia and the United States, need to stand up, speak up, and speak out to protect health care in America.  Help bring America up to par with the other true democracies in the world which provide health care to their citizens.

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