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Wednesday, September 25, 2024

TRAITOR Trump Has A Putin Problem! Or Is It Just A Partnership???



"Trump's contribution to global heterosexuality was to bring a beauty pageant to the Moscow suburbs, or rather to look on as Russians did so.  In principle he was the organizer, in fact he was paid twenty million dollars to oversee the work of his Russian colleagues. This was a pattern of relations between Russians and Trump that was by then long established: Trump was paid so that his name could assist Russians who knew something about money and power.  Just a few weeks earlier, in April 2013, the FBI had arrested twenty-nine men suspected of running two gambling rings inside Trump tower.  According to investigators, the operation was overseen by Alimzhan Tokhtakhounov, a Russian citizen who also ran a money-laundering operation from a condo directly under Trump's own.  As the FBI searched for him, Tokhtakhounov attended the Miss Universe pageant and sat a few seats away from Trump.  (The United States attorney who had authorized the Trump Tower raid was Preet Bharara.  Upon becoming president, Trump fired Bharara.)"  (Timothy Snyder, "The Road To Unfreedom", pages 120-121) 

While we cannot, and the FBI have not been able to say that TRAITOR Trump is definitely in the clutches of Russian intelligence, it is not difficult for anyone with the ability to read at a high school level to find enough well established, publicly documented evidence that he has had enough varied contacts with Russia and known Russian contacts of Vladimir Putin to be in the sway of Russia. That publicly documented evidence includes the aforementioned beauty pageant in Moscow, the invitation he extended to the Russian Ambassador to The United States to visit the White House with a Russian film crew and actually film their meeting inside the Oval Office shortly after he managed to manipulate his way into that hallowed location with the assistance and election meddling of Russian hackers under the direction of Vladimir Putin. There is little doubt that every member of that film crew were also FSB agents.  It also includes the press conference with Vladimir Putin in which TRAITOR Trump supported the claim by Putin that he had made no effort to influence the 2016 United State presidential election which was a direct contradiction of previously reported intelligence in which all 17 US intelligence agencies stated that there had been Russian influence on that election.  


These three incidents are just a minuscule portion of the 50 varied interactions between TRAITOR Trump and Russian entities in which some arrangement of either money or influence has changed hands which Timothy Snyder has documented both in his Thread on social media in this link and in his book "The Road To Unfreedom".  Each of these events can be confirmed in numerous forms of legitimate media, newspapers, magazines, television news, and social media.  All any of them requires to be validated is a simple internet search.  When you look at this link, keep in mind that Timothy Snyder is no Johnny Come Lately or a common angry citizen.  He is a professor of history at Yale University and actually holds an endowed chair there which is a guaranteed lifetime job so long as he wishes to teach.  He also is an expert on the history of Eastern Europe and the Holocaust.  If he puts anything into print, he can prove it and give you the location in publicly available records of that proof.  

Late in 2015, Konstantin Malofeev, a Russian oligarch and close associate of Putin used his "think tank" to endorse TRAITOR Trump in the US election.  Sooner or later with so many Russians professing their love of TRAITOR Trump you have to realize that he is a Russian asset.   

In November of 2016  after Putin's Russian hackers managed to steal the election in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, and TRAITOR Trump was announced as the winner, he received a standing ovation in the Russian parliament which is composed entirely of people who are obligated with their lives to obey Putin.  They were cheering because they knew by virtue of TRAITOR Trump having been declared the winner, their leader's minion had achieved what no other Russian asset had ever done.  He would be living illegally in the White House and Russia had just won an American election.  

In June of 2017, TRAITOR Trump fired FBI director Robert Mueller after he had been ordered to carry out an investigation of Russian election interference.  The White House Counsel refused to carry out TRAITOR Trump's order and immediately Moscow began a widespread slander campaign against Mueller.   

In June of 2018, Vladimir Putin confirmed to a world wide selection of press members that he had actually wanted TRAITOR Trump to win the election of 2016.  Here is link to the story about  the Putin moment of honesty which appeared in "The Atlantic" at the time.  "The Atlantic" is one of the most honest and perpetually factual monthly magazines in America.  Here is a list of all the people Mueller brought charges against in his Russia investigation.  Although this is a slightly aged book, it would be very interesting if every reader of this blog post read Seth Hettena's book "Trump/Russia".   \I have not attempted to list an event of the exchange of power, influence, or money between TRAITOR Trump and Russia for every year since his first reported contacts with Russia because their nefarious relationship is too long and too close for an actual timeline of their love affair.  But you can do it on your own with simple internet searches of the phrases "Trump and Putin", "Trump and Russia", "Is Trump A Russian Asset" or almost any other word, combined with Trump, which can be interpreted as primarily Russian. Do you really want a Russian Asset living in the White House again?  Or you can just remember that only a few months ago in February 2024 TRAITOR Trump said in a public appearance that he would tell Putin to "do whatever the hell he wants to to any NATO country".  Do you really want Democracy to be silenced in America for the next four years?  In all honesty, this country cannot survive as a Democracy if TRAITOR Trump is allowed anywhere near the White House again!

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