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Monday, September 16, 2024

Did America's Kristallnacht Begin At Arlington?


On August 26, 2024, TRAITOR Trump, a collection of his staff, and a film crew connected to the campaign made a visit to Arlington National Cemetery, specifically in Section 60, and made an attempt to film his laying of flowers at a grave of one of the US military personnel who was killed during the withdrawal from Afghanistan.  Filming of any political action is prohibited at Arlington and has been for many years.  During their attempt to film, an Arlington employee approached the group to inform them of the rules about political activity and was verbally and physically abused according to the US Army information provided later about the incident.  The employee decided not to pursue criminal charges against the staff members who assaulted them.  It is safe to assume that the decision not to prosecute was influenced by other incidents around TRAITOR Trump and his co-conspirators such as the rabid harassment of two female African American election workers in Georgia.  Since the incident at Arlington, the campaign of TRAITOR Trump has refused to release any video they have of the incident. I have little doubt that the withheld video would prove that the fault was with TRAITOR Trump and his staff.  We could naively choose to believe that this was an isolated incident in which one particular staff member became overzealous and caused the incident.  But such incidents of disrespect for others, whomever they may be, and whatever they represent, are routine around TRAITOR Trump and those who support him. That Arlington Employee represented both the federal government of the United States of America as an employee of the US Army and those hallowed dead heroes and heroines who are buried at Arlington.  The question we are examining in this blog post is this: "Did America's Kristallnacht begin on August 26, 2024, at Arlington National Cemetery?"

The photograph above is of Nazi soldiers destroying a Jewish business during Kristallnacht.

I sincerely hope that everyone who reads this blog post understands fully already  exactly what Kristallncacht was and the important place it holds in the history of both World War II and The Holocaust.  The rough translation of the German phrase "kristallnacht" is "night of broken glass".  It refers to the night of November 9-10, 1938, and a horrific series of events which took place in Germany on that night.  On the night of November 7, 1938, a low level German diplomat was shot and killed by a German/Jewish student.  German  Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels, after conferring with Hitler, harangued a gathering of old storm troopers, urging violent reprisals staged to appear as “spontaneous demonstrations.” Telephone orders from Munich triggered pogroms throughout Germany, which then included Austria. It is also appropriate here to explain that "pogroms" were "an organized, often officially encouraged massacre or persecution of a minority group, especially one conducted against Jews".  The pogroms of Kristallnacht were "organized" by Joseph Goebbels and "officially encouraged" by Adolph Hitler and all of his high command.  The pogroms of Kristallnacht resulted in two days and nights of extreme violence and destruction directed against German Jews.  During Kristallnacht more than 1,000 synagogues were burned or vandalized.  Rioters ransacked and looted about 7,500 Jewish businesses burning many to the ground, destroying key assets of others, and rendering it impossible for Jewish business owners to continue in business. These officially sanctioned criminals killed at least 91 Jews, and vandalized Jewish hospitals, homes, schools, and cemeteries. About 30,000 Jewish males aged 16 to 60 were arrested. To accommodate so many new prisoners, the concentration camps at Dachau, Buchenwald, and Sachsenhausen were expanded.  After this night, the Holocaust had officially begun in Germany which would result in the deaths by various means of more than 6 million Jews.  Arguably, however, the Holocaust in Germany began on the day Adolph Hitler was first elected to public office. 

In his excellent article on the Time website, Timothy Ryback writes

Adolf Hitler never won a majority in a free and open national election. He never received more than 37% of the vote in a free and open national election, but he argued that 37% represented 75% of 51%, and demanded political power. It was the political calculus by which the Nazi leader disabled, then dismantled, the Weimar Republic. Hitler exploited his 37% to gridlock legislative processes, to cudgel or crush the political opposition, and ultimately to undermine the country’s democratic structures. When Hitler had vowed in court, in September 1930, to destroy democracy through the democratic process, a judge asked, “So, only through constitutional means?” Hitler replied crisply, “Jawohl.” (Timothy Ryback, "How Hitler Used Democracy To Take Power", April 26, 2024,

So, I hear you asking, what does this have to do with TRAITOR Trump and his incident at Arlington National Cemetery.  It has everything to do with it.  One incident, when officially sanctioned, resulted in all the crimes aforementioned in Germany. Admittedly, that one incident was followed by hundreds of others. But no such incident of public hatred, criminality, violence, and ostracism ever goes unnoticed, especially by those who have been holding the same ideas in their souls and minds.  One incident made it clearly understood by every citizen of Germany that it was now acceptable to commit any crime of violence against a Jewish citizen of Germany.  It officially sanctioned hatred and all the various evils it can produce, and ultimately resulted in the murder of more than 6 million innocent men, women, and children.  

Now, that brings us back to the incident at Arlington National Cemetery which was not actually an isolated incident in the life and crimes of TRAITOR Trump.  It is one of a long string of such incidents, public endorsements of violence and crime both in America and the world, and public endorsement of hatred, racism, criminality, insurrection, domestic terrorism, and even murder by TRAITOR Trump.  As we go back in the public life of TRAITOR Trump, there is a long trail of such public statements, actions, and actual physical acts by TRAITOR Trump in which he has copied the types of actions, statements, and physical acts which culminated in the extermination of 6million Jewish men, women, and children, along with the deaths of about 3% of the total global population in 1940 .  One of the earliest, but perhaps not the first, such action by TRAITOR Trump occurred in 1989 when he took out full page ads in New York newspapers calling for the execution of five young black men who  had been accused in the assault of a female jogger in Central Park.  Those young men were imprisoned for several years before being exonerated and released.  On some levels another famous incident by Traitor Trump was his public mockery of a physically disabled reporter which took place in 2015.  Despite that the incident was so egregious that Meryl Streep spoke out about it at the Golden Globes ceremonies that year, TRAITOR Trump has never admitted his actions were mockery or that they constituted any kind of belittling or derogatory actions.  


Looking back at the Timothy Ryback article cited and linked above, we see that Adolph Hitler never won a free and open election.  He simply stated in open court that he would "destroy democracy through the democratic process".  From June 16, 2015, to the present day of September 16, 2024, we have seen TRAITOR Trump doing the same thing without ever having acknowledged it as Hitler did.  He lost the 2016 election of Hillary Clinton by nearly 3million votes but managed to destroy democracy through the democratic process  just as Adolph Hitler did.  In 2020, the popular vote margin was even greater and President Biden also won the electoral vote total despite TRAITOR Trump's persistent espousal of The Big Lie.  The vote margin was slightly more than 7million votes at 7,060,347.  In response to the vote totals, TRAITOR Trump then incited the insurrection of January 6, 2021, in an attempt to overthrow the legally constituted government of the United States for which more than a thousand of his co-conspirators have been convicted.  Still The Big Lie will not die and TRAITOR Trump is now disparaging, threatening, and defaming more than 10,000 legal Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio, to the point that the Republican governor of the state, Mike DeWine, has found it necessary to publicly contradict TRAITOR Trump and support the city, its immigrant population, and the community at large.  


So, it should be apparent to all that the Kristallnacht of the United States of America did not begin at Arlington National Cemetery on August 26, 2024.  It is quite possible that it did not begin on that day in 1989 when TRAITOR Trump advertised in favor of the execution of five innocent young black men.  If the Kritallnacht of the United States is averted by the voters on November 5, 2024, we might not ever decide on what day it began or, perhaps, would have begun.  But we have been more than sufficiently warned of the potential of that night coming to America by both the actions and words of TRAITOR Trump and those around him.  If we accept quietly a long and persistent string of attacks against the innocent, the disabled, the immigrants in our country and allow TRAITOR Trump once again to occupy the White House in defiance of all that is holy and just, we will surely see Kritallnacht come to fruition in America, and the greatest democracy on earth will be destroyed.  

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