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Thursday, September 19, 2024

Me And My Shirt Take A Trip To The Big City!


I never leave home any farther than to my mail box about 200 yards away these days without wearing one of my Kamala Harris shirts.  The one pictured above is my current favorite until cooler weather makes me wear a sweatshirt which was delivered yesterday while I was gone to Lexington, Kentucky,  with my wife Candice, who was also wearing her current Kamala Harris shirt which I have pictured below.  We had a blast, made stops at several locations during the day, and received multiple compliments about our shirts. 

The first place we went was the Lexington Arboretum where I like to walk when I'm in Lexington.  Candice can find a shady location and read while I put in my hour or so on the many paved trails or my favorite tan bark paths in the woodsy section of the Arboretum.  Shortly after I began my walk, I met a woman on one of the paved trails who gave me a thumbs up and just said "Kamala".  Then, as we were headed into the parking lot to leave, two different women, one walking and one sitting in her car, both spoke up about how much they liked the shirts.  We had short, positive conversations with these women and left the Arboretum.  Then we went to the Kentucky Clinic where Candice had an appointment in the Wound Care Clinic.  When a nursing assistant took her blood pressure they said, "That is a comfortable shirt", which I assumed was a coded way of saying they liked the shirts.  I laughed and asked, "Do you mean to say that it is a shirt you are comfortable with?' and got a nonverbal confirmation.  Actually, in that clinic, it is not unusual to receive positive comments about our political leanings.  Just last Friday, I had a very positive conversation with my surgeon and wrote about at this post.  That surgeon and I have open political conversations every time we see each other.  He is not the only doctor at this facility with whom I have political conversations in nearly every encounter between us and I am damned grateful for their political thinking and their willingness to speak out on behalf of America and American Democracy.  

After we left the clinic, we went looking for a Haitian restaurant where we could support struggling immigrants but did not locate one and went to Sonny's Barbecue instead.  I had found a couple of Caribbean restaurants advertised in Lexington during an internet search but had not found one clearly labeled as Haitian.  At Sonny's, I got up to wash the barbecue sauce off my hands and face, and on my way back from the restroom, a woman and her husband spoke up as I got near their table and told me how much they liked my shirt.  We had a short conversation about politics and the upcoming critical election in America before I returned to my seat.  When I had paid the ticket at the table and was preparing to leave, an older man seated on a bench near the cash register said in a low voice, "I like that shirt!"  We also had a short conversation about politics and I made sure he also saw Candice's shirt as she drove her wheelchair past him to leave.  It is always wonderful to find another person who understand that this is the most important election in American History and is, literally, a contest between good and evil.  I always wear one of my Kamala Harris shirts whenever I leave home and I will until election day when we can all work together to save America and American Democracy from TRAITOR Trump and his cult.  I am also encouraged by the large numbers of Republican former government officials who are endorsing Harris as the election approaches.  That list includes more than 200 former employees of the Department of Justice under Republican presidents.  But we all must work every day to make it clear that there is only one choce in this election and that choice is Kamala Harris. 

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