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Wednesday, October 9, 2024

TRAITOR Trump, Vladimir Putin, and Their Relationship!

Trump Impeachment Odds Slashed to Shortest Ever After Helsinki Summit


I have written several times on this blog about the deep, unbreakable relationship between TRAITOR Trump and Vladimir Putin.  I have also written several times about the incredible writing and honest reporting of Yale University history professor Timothy Snyder.  This link will take you to several posts about the work of Timothy Snyder who, in my opinion is the greatest historian and author of history and political science based books we have in America today.  Timothy Snyder does a far better job of explaining or illustrating the dangerous and TREASONOUS depth of the relationship between the two.  Every voter in America should read Snyder's books "On Tyranny" ,  "The Road To Unfreedom", and "On Democracy".  All three are among the most important books in print in America today.  And all three are on the list of books that TRAITOR Trump, his campaign staff, and Vladimir Putin hope that no American will read.  The reasons for that is that the books are honest, accurate, well documented history of the danger TRAITOR Trump presents to both America and the world. 

Since I began writing this blog post, an incredible story has broken in the news media about TRAITOR Trump and Vladimir Putin.  Bob Woodward has just released a new book called "War"  in which he writes about information provided to him by a TRAITOR Trump staffer who stated that TRAITOR Trump had provided Covid equipment to Putin secretly very early in the pandemic while he was doing nothing about the onrushing US pandemic. The book also reports that TRAITOR Trump has made at least seven telephone calls to Putin since the inauguration of President Biden and would sometimes tell staffers to leave the room since he had "to have a private conversation with President Putin".  This book, written by one of the men responsible for the Watergate disclosures which ended the presidency of Richard Nixon, has made allegations which should ensure that TRAITOR Trump is prosecuted for violations of both the Logan Act and the  Espionage Act.  This is just one more "smoking gun" about the TREASON of TRAITOR Trump.  It is absolute proof of what I and dozens of other intelligent writers and politicians have been telling the world about TRAITOR Trump for many years.  HE IS A TRAITOR OWNED AND CONTROLLED BY VLADIMIR PUTIN AND RUSSIA!  Based on what Bob Woodward has said in his book, you cannot defend TRAITOR Trump on any level.  He must be prosecuted ! He must be convicted!  He must be imprisoned for the rest of his life!  This country is not safe so long as he is alive and outside a maximum security prison.  Below is just  a portion of the story as it has been reported by CBS News: 

"Even after leaving office, Trump has stayed in touch with the Russian president, according to Woodward. An unidentified aide told Woodward the former president had as many as seven private calls with Putin — although Woodward noted he was unable to speak to Trump or Putin to verify the calls happened, and he was wasn't able to confirm the calls through the Trump campaign or intelligence sources.  But according to the aide, one of the calls came early this year, when Trump was urging Republicans to block additional aid to Ukraine to help the country's fight against Russia.  The newly revealed contacts raise additional questions about Trump's relationship with Putin. In a recent presidential debate, Trump twice refused to say who he wanted to prevail in the war between Russia and Ukraine." (CBS, October 8, 2024) 

This is damning information from a journalist who has moved within the circles of world power for over fifty years and whose work with Carl Bernstein led to the resignation of Richard Nixon, the successful prosecution of the Watergate figures, and has made both of these men household words in America and the world ever since.  Woodward's ethics and honest are impeccable and unimpeachable.  This is, or should be, the last nail in the public coffin of TRAITOR Trump and his collusion with Vladimir Putin.  I am certain every US intelligence agent in the world has now been directed to follow this story to whatever sordid place in which the ultimate truth of it is hiding.  It is about Espionage!  It is about TREASON!  It is about TRAITOR Trump's collusion with the worst enemy the United States of America has in the world!

In a slight aside, let me say that if you want to understand the nature of the relationship between TRAITOR Trump and Vladimir Putin, all you have to do is study and come to understand the body language in the photograph above.  It was shot at the G7 Summit in Helsinki at the press conference after TRAITOR Trump had just met with Vladimir Putin in a meeting without US interpreters.  He came out of that meeting with the above hangdog face while Putin was trying hard to stifle a grin at whatever they had just said to each other.  In the press conference, TRAITOR Trump disputed the findings of all 17 US intelligence agencies and stated that he believed Putin when he said that Russia had not interfered in the US election. That photograph, that meeting, that relationship, and that lie from TRAITOR Trump have been discussed many times in many places by thousands of journalists, US intelligence agents, common US citizens, and nearly every world leader since then, and almost universally by everyone who has ever rendered an honest opinion about it, it has been assessed as being a photograph of an American minion of the Russian president telling a lie to please his owner.  The most honest of all those opinions and the best documentation of proof to support his opinion about that relationship has consistently come from Timothy Snyder, both on his Twitter or X account and in his several books about the rising specter of Fascism in the world today.  It has also been discussed many times by other historians and journalists in their writings.  This is a CNN article on the topic from June of 2018.  This is a 2021 article from the New Zealand Herald discussing TRAITOR Trump's insistence three years after the news conference that he still believes Putin over US intelligence.  

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