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Thursday, September 26, 2024

My Plan From Now Until November 5, 2024!


There are only 41 days from now, September 26, 2024, until November 5, 2024, the date of the 2024 US Presidential Election.  I have a plan for what I will attempt to accomplish between now and then which will include several goals, all of which are individual steps in my plan to do everything I can as a single human citizen of the greatest country on earth to help ensure that Kamala Harris will be elected as the next President of The United States, and to ensure that TRAITOR Trump is never again allowed anywhere near the White House.  I hope that each of you who reads this has a similar plan and will do everything in your power to carry that out to its fully justified and righteous completion.  Listed below are some of the steps in that plan, hopefully not the full list of steps since I will be thinking everyday until November 5, 2024, is there one more thing I can do to ensure that America is safe from TRAITOR Trump.  Among the things I will be doing is reading as much as I can of the list of books below, and each day adding on this blog a post discussing what I have found in these books.  Some of the books on this list are nearly fresh off the press.  Some are several years old and were either published prior to and because of the 2016 election or as a result of the horrible outcomes of that stolen election.  Every one of these books is a very important book.  I have read and written about several of them on this blog in the past.  Others I have not read but ordered over the last few weeks because of the potential outcomes of this election, potentially wonderful if all goes well, potentially  the death of American Democracy if all goes wrong and TRAITOR Trump is allowed to return to the White House after having already been indicted for 94 felonies and convicted of 34, after his having created, fomented, and caused the worst insurrection against the duly constituted government of the United States since the Civil War, and after the many evidences of his decades long deep, dangerous connections to Russia and Putin.  The list of books is appended to the bottom of this post and other, more easily completed tasks will be listed and discussed briefly before the book list.  I beseech each of you to do as many of these tasks as you possibly can.  This is literally  the most important election in the history of the United States just as the previous two were.  One of those elections, 2020, turned out in the best interests of the country and for almost four years we have reaped the rewards of that election.  The other of the two previous elections ended in the worst possible way and we have paid horrible prices for that outcome over the intervening four years.  Sadly, we are not, and will not for some unforeseeable time in the future, done with suffering the outrageous costs of the 2016 election, and will not be done for many years to come.  It will take at least fifty years for this country to overcome the incredible moral and ethical damage which TRAITOR Trump has already  done to this country.  We will never be able to overcome the increased ethical, moral, governmental damage which TRAITOR Trump would do to the country in four more years of his work to destroy America and American Democracy.  Do all you can to help the country avoid that outcome!

!) Every day from now until the next election I will be doing everything I can to convince other Americans to do the right thing and elect Kamala Harris to the presidency.  I will confront the ignorance and TREASON which attempts to justify the election of TRAITOR Trump, anywhere, anytime, from anybody.

2) I will VOTE FOR KAMALA HARRIS and so should you.  I will do all I can to convince every person I discuss this election with to do the same.  If I am needed, I will haul voters to the polls, I will spend my time, gasoline, and effort to ensure the best turnout possible for Kamala Harris in this election.  If necessary, I will stop traffic at a polling place and help little old ladies and gentlemen across the street to vote if I see the need.

3) I will use every form of communication available to me between now and the election to spread the truth about both Kamala Harris and TRAITOR Trump.  This election is literally between Good and Evil.  No more dangerous human on earth exists today who could be placed in the White House.  Tell everyone you know the truth.  Use your personal communication skills in face to face talks with others.  Use social media if you use it.  Use your telephone to call others and urge them to vote for Kamala Harris and the entire Democratic ticket wherever they live in the US.  Volunteer for phone call duty with your state Democratic party.  Put up a yard sign at your property and, if you live in a community which prohibits that, tell you HOA to Kiss Your Ass and appeal their decisions against you to the highest arbiters possible at least until November 5.  If you have the money, hire a small plane to fly a banner over the local high school football game on Friday night.  If you belong to some form of club, fraternity, sorority, or other group activity speak out before and after their meetings. If it allowed, speak out during those meetings when the most people will hear the truth.  Do all you can in any way possible to help Kamala Harris win this election.  America and American Democracy literally depend on the outcome of this election.

4) Now let's talk about this list of books.  All of them are important but I will list some of the shorter, new, arguably more important books first and the older books last.  But remember this, every one of these books contains truths about TRAITOR Trump and the danger he presents to the country.  

    A) "On Freedom" by Timothy Snyder has just come off the press and my copy has just hit my mail box literally as I have been writing this post.  It will be the next book I read cover to cover after I complete the current Timothy Snyder book which I am about two thirds of the way through. That book is "The Road To Unfreedom".   I cannot list enough superlatives about Timothy Snyder and his books.  "The Road To Unfreedome" is described in this manner on his website: Freedom is the great American commitment, but as Snyder argues, we have lost sight of what it means—and this is leading us into crisis.  According to Snyder, the goal of the book is to allow us to design a government in which we and future generations can flourish.  I assure you we cannot design such a government with TRAITOR Trump and his cult anywhere near the White House.  

B)  "On Tyranny" by Timothy Snyder is a wonderful book and I am currently waiting for my third purchased copy to arrive.  One previous copy I passed on to cousin who is like a brother to me and joins all of us in resisting TRAITOR Trump and his TREASON.  A second purchased copy was accidentally left on a toilet paper dispenser in a restroom at the Kentucky Clinic.  I only hope that it fell into hands of someone who was open to its ideas, read and understood the truths it contains.  Snyder's website describes the book in this manner: On Tyranny is a call to arms and a guide to resistance, with invaluable ideas for how we can preserve our freedoms in the uncertain years to come.  I have written about resistance on this blog in the past and read more than one book on political resistance in response to the terrible damage which TRAITOR Trump has caused this country over the last ten years.  One of the books I read in that vein is "A Nation Defiant: Poland's Resistance To The German Occupation Of Poland" by Richard S. Fuegner which I wrote about in this blog post in February 2017.  In January of 2017, I also constructed a list of books to be read by those who understand that it is the most patriotic act possible to resist a destructive government such as the Nazi and Fascists of WWII and a possible Fascist government to be constructed by TRAITOR Trump if this election goes awry as 2016 did.  Every book on that list is well worth reading in today's times but should be read only after you have read the books on this blog post.  

C) "The Road To Unfreedom" by Timothy Snyder is the third of his books which I am adding at the front of this list, and I realize that some of you are already wondering if I should add so many books by the same author.  Timothy Snyder is the professor at Yale University who holds the endowed Richard C. Levin Chair in History and is perhaps the greatest living historian in America in addition to being the best author of history, especially about current politics in America, World War II, and The Holocaust.  This book is about the rise of Fascism in Russia and other parts of Europe, Vladimir Putin and his well publicized plan to create what he likes to call Eurasia which he has stated will stretch from Vladivostok to Lisbon, literally putting Russia and Putin in control of nearly all of Eastern Europe and a large portion of Asia.  It details Putin's fascination with the deceased Russian political philosopher Ivan Ilyin.  

D) Now we move away from the works of Timothy Snyder but not away from Yale University.  The book "How Fascism Works" by Jason Stanley is exactly what the title says.  It is great description of how Fascists rise to power in susceptible countries, gain control of governments in such countries, and move on to destroy those countries.  Stanley is the Jacob Urowsky professor of philosophy at Yale.  His works are not as voluminous or publicly popular as Snyder's but they are equally important for the person who understands just how dangerous these times  have become in American politics because of TRAITOR Trump and his cult.  

E) The next book on this list is "How Democracies Die" by Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt.  It is about exactly what the title says, the death of democracies. Steven Levitsky is a professor political science at Harvard University.  Daniel Ziblatt is Director of Harvard University's Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies where he is also Eaton Professor of Government.  Their book is described as being about how elected leaders can gradually subvert the democratic process to increase their power. The book also offers stark warnings about the impact of the Republican Party and Donald Trump on U.S. democracy.  Are you beginning to understand that I am not the only writer in America who understands that TRAITOR Trump is the greatest present danger to Democracy and the United States?  

F) This next book is one of the most important to come out of the stolen 2016 election and I wrote about it several years ago on another list of books I was recommending at that time.  It is "The Dangerous Case Of Donald Trump", edited by Dr. Bandy X. Lee, M. D., a professor of psychiatry and the law at Harvard University. She went to Harvard after having taught at Yale for 17 years.  The book is written in a series of articles by 27 of the most respected, most experienced, and most honest psychiatrists in America.  Each article details and explains the seriously dangerous nature of TRAITOR Trump's mental illness. It was a massive best seller when it was published in 2017.  It will be an important book so long as TRAITOR Trump lives outside a federal prison cell.  

G) "Rocket Man: Nuclear Madness And The Mind Of Donald Trump" was edited by John Gartner, Steven Buser, and Leonard Cruz and is also written in separate articles as the Lee edited book is.  But these national experts are discussing the unfitness of TRAITOR Trump to be in charge of the American nuclear arsenal.  Each of the writers in this book are experts in the field of nuclear weaponry and/or nuclear war. Several of these authors are retired American military officers who worked in the area of nuclear weaponry during their military careers.  Others were journalists who specialized in the military field.  

H) I have not read a word of this next book yet.  But you can bet that I will, at least, have read the concluding section and written about it before the election. The book in question?  "On Call: A Doctor's Journey In Public Service" by Anthony Fauci, M. D.  One chapter in that section is entitled "He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not" and without a doubt that chapter is about Fauci's horribly demeaning treatment by TRAITOR Trump during the Covid crisis when Fauci and many other researchers at the National Institutes of Health were working day and night trying to find a successful treatment and intervention program to curtail the Covid epidemic, and were being belittled, resisted, mistreated, minimized, and publicly abused by a TRAITOR who proved on a daily basis that he knew less about Covid and epidemic management than he knew about any other subject on earth. I should also say here that I am very familiar with NIH, ,having traveled there regularly for about five years in the 1990's due to my wife suffering from an incredibly rare and undiagnosed genetic anomaly which has placed her in a wheelchair for the past 25 years.  We traveled to NIH about 3 times a year for a week at a time for their team in the National Institute for Diabetes and Kidney Disease.  During that time, we never met Dr. Fauci, but we did meet the Director of the NIDKD, Dr. Simeon Taylor, M. D. along with hundreds of other NIH employees in most departments at all levels of responsibility.  For the rest of my life, I will be a fan a defender of NIH and all its employees who are many of the finest humans I have ever met in my life.  

It is possible that I might add a few other excellent books to this list before election day.  I realize full well that most of us could not hope to read them all in the next 41 days.  I am asking you to choose a few from the list to read before the election.  And, regardless of the outcome of the election, please read them all when you can.  They will give you a very good education about American Democracy, the dangers TRAITOR Trump always has and always will present to  this country and to every one of its citizens so long as he walks the earth a free man.  He must not be allowed to live in the White House again.  He must not be allowed to destroy this country and democracy.  He must be convicted of his crimes against America, American Democracy, the entire civilized world, and the planet itself.  GO VOTE!  

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