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Monday, September 23, 2024

The Upcoming Second Insurrection!

The attack on the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, was an Insurrection, Domestic Terrorism, Sedition, and Treason.  It was fomented, led, and caused by TRAITOR Trump because, for the second time, he had lost an American election after having been installed in the White House by virtue of Russia having stolen enough votes in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania to tilt the electoral vote count in their favor.  They failed in their attempt to do that in 2020, and TRAITOR Trump incited the attack on the US Capitol in order to try to stop the constitutionally mandated count of electoral votes which is the final step in the certification of an election in the United States.  January 6, 2021, was an attack against the United States by enemies of the United States, and incited by the second worst living enemy of the United States, TRAITOR Trump, in support of the absolute worst living enemy of the United States, Vladimir Putin, who owns and controls TRAITOR  Trump.  When the 2024 presidential election is over, the votes are counted, and the electoral counts are referred to the congress for certification proving that TRAITOR Trump has actually lost his third consecutive election in America, he will already have done the work of inciting that Second Insurrection, and he is actually engaged in setting the stage for it on a daily basis today since he knows full well that he cannot legally win an election in the United States.  TRAITOR Trump has already stated on May 2, 2024, that he will not commit to accept the results of the upcoming presidential election unless he is declared the winner.  TRAITOR Trump has already worked with the Right Wing Radical Repugnican Election Board in Georgia to have them institute a set of new rules for counting the votes which will allow them to bring about the unlawful counting of votes, the manipulation of the vote count, and the illegal declaration that TRAITOR Trump has won the election in Georgia.  He will also attempt to commit other acts of election sabotage in swing states such as Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Nevada.  He is now faced with the likelihood that he will also lose North Carolina since his hand picked candidate for governor in that state has been caught on an internet pornography website describing himself as "a black Nazi".  Their little ship of dreams is sinking fast in North Carolina.  When the November 5th election is over, the votes are counted, and the truth is out, TRAITOR Trump will once again incite an Insurrection against the legally constituted government of the United States of America. 

So, the question becomes what do we do to avoid the theft of another US election by TRAITOR Trump and his allies, both Russian Hackers and American Fascists?  First and foremost, every American must go to the polls and vote for Kamala Harris for president of the United States.  Secondly, between now and the election, we must confront the ignorance and TREASON of TRAITOR Trump and all his supporters every time we hear it no matter whom we hear it from or where we hear it.  We must get others registered as Democrats until the last day to register in the state in which these unregistered voters live.  We must then get those newly registered voters to the polls and be certain that they are voting for Kamala Harris for President.  And, when TRAITOR Trump begins his Second Insurrection, we must work with the legally  constituted government of the United States to hold TRAITOR Trump and every one of his supporters responsible for their crimes in any such Second Insurrection.  We must not allow any questionable acts in support of his Second Insurrection by TRAITOR Trump or any of his supporters to go unconfronted by the legal authorities of the United States of America.  When this Second Insurrection begins, we must demand that President Biden immediately order the arrest of TRAITOR Trump and any of his allies who engage in this Second Insurrection.  We must demand that they receive a constitutionally mandated and protected SPEEDY TRIAL, conviction, sentencing, and imprisonment for their crimes.  When such a Second Insurrection has been dealt with in this manner, it will be clearly understood for many years in America that such an insurrection by TRAITORS, Insurrectionists, Domestic Terrorists, and Enemies of The United States will not be tolerated, minimized, or swept under the rug.  IT WILL BE GREAT! 

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