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Sunday, September 29, 2024

TRAITOR Trump, Putin, Ukraine, and Putin's Dream Of A Eurasian Empire

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Over the last several days, TRAITOR Trump has made numerous claims that he could "end the war in Ukraine even before I took office".  But there is a great deal of deception, misdirection, dishonesty, and outright lying in those statements.  Two days ago, on September 27, 2024, President Zelenskyy deigned to meet with man, other than Vladimir Putin, who presents the greatest danger to Ukraine and the very existence of democracy both in Eastern Europe and the United States of America.  I have no idea why President Zelenskyy would bother to hold such a meeting when the very existence of the country he has protected for the past several years is at stake.  After the meeting, TRAITOR Trump did as he always does in any situation, and tried to make himself look the answer to a problem which he is totally unfit to be involved in.  He said, in part, "We’re going to work very much with both parties to try and get this settled and get it worked out," Trump said, standing next to Zelenskyy while speaking to a small group of reporters ahead of their closed-door meeting. "It has to end. At some point, it has to end. He’s gone through hell. His country has gone through hell."    Like everything which crosses TRAITOR Trump's lips, there are just enough nuggets of near truth in it to mislead the naive listener.  Yes, at some point Putin's War Of Aggression against Ukraine must end, and it must end with a free, democratic Ukraine which is how it began.  TRAITOR Trump went on to make the outrageous claim that he and President Zelenskyy "have a very good relationship, and I also have a very good relationship, as you know, with [Russian] President [Vladimir] Putin."  There is not and never has been a legitimate reason for anyone to believe that TRAITOR Trump and President Zelenskyy have anything near a positive relationship.  But the nugget of near truth in that second quotation from TRAITOR Trump's press conference after the meeting is that fact that he has "a good relationship with President Putin."   If you want to see how positive TRAITOR Trump's relationship with Putin is just look at the still photograph below of the two of them at the notorious press conference at the G7 meeting in 2018 in which TRAITOR Trump publicly undercut all 17 US intelligence agencies and stated that he believed Putin's denial of Russian involvement in the theft of the 2016 US election in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.   This photograph tells the astute viewer everything you need to know about whatever relationship exists between Putin and TRAITOR Trump.  Putin is obviously pleased, striving to control his sense of power and achievement while TRAITOR Trump is cowed, controlled, disempowered, and obviously unable to hold his head up in public.  That photograph is all you need to know about what happens when these two criminals are in the same room.  One is in charge while the other is powerless. 

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Now let's look at how that relationship of power and control would influence any discussion of what Putin would do in Ukraine.  What TRAITOR Trump either does not know or is not allowed to discuss in public is that Putin has no intentions of stopping his War Of Aggression in Ukraine.  He has far larger plans based on the work of the Russian political philosopher whom he quotes regularly in public, Ivan Ilyin who lived from 1883 to 1954.  Putin has, on dozens of occasions, discussed his strong belief that Ilyin was the most important political thinker in the history of Russia.  So what does that have to do with Ukraine?  Ilyin believed and wrote extensively that he believed that Russia should control all of Eurasia, a political belief known as Eurasianism.  Putin has often said that he wants Russia to control all of Eurasia "from Vladivostok to Lisbon", an area that encompasses most of Eastern Europe and a major chunk of Asia.  Just as President Biden and most of the leaders of NATO know and understand what Ilyin believed and wrote.  They also understand Putin's belief that Ilyin was correct and Russia is entitled to control all of Eurasia. Putin will never stop at Ukraine if he is allowed to win.  And if TRAITOR Trump is allowed to illegally occupy the White House again, he will allow Putin to do "whatever the hell he wants to" all the way from Vladivostok to Lisbon.  Only a strong NATO with a fully committed United States, along with a mutually supported Ukraine can stop Putin from continuing his War Of Aggression into his dream of a Russian Eurasia.   This misbegotten dream of Putin's which was originated by Ivan Ilyin is a primary reason Sweden and Finland stepped forward after decades of neutrality to join NATO.  They know they would also be on the list of countries which Putin would attempt to conquer if he is not stopped in Ukraine.  

The Yale University historian and author, Timothy Snyder, discusses Putin's dream of Eurasia "from Vladivostok to Lisbon" in his excellent book, "The Road To Unfreedom".  Read it!  Believe it!  Tell everyone you know that TRAITOR Trump, Putin's Puppet, cannot and would never attempt to stop Putin in Ukraine, Poland, Sweden, or any other country in that vast area.  He would not and could not because Putin owns and controls him just as he proved in that press conference at the G7 meeting in 2018.  DO WHAT YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN DOING ALL ALONG, VOTE STRAIGHT DEMOCRATIC, EVERY ELECTION, EVERY RACE! 

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