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Wednesday, July 3, 2019

An Independence Day Declaration

As we approach July 4, 2019, the United States of America is in the worst constitutional crisis since April 8, 1865, the day the Civil War officially ended.  US democracy is in greater danger today than it has been at any time since then and perhaps since the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776.  For more than two years, the White House has been occupied by a nameless TRAITOR, Russian Agent, self-confessed sex offender, draft dodger, tax cheat, pathological liar and career criminal who conspired with Vladimir Putin and Russia to steal an American election.  Despite overwhelming evidence of the collusion and further even better documented efforts to derail and obstruct the evidence into his crimes, this criminal still resides in the White House, still acts in his charade as the official leader of the greatest democracy in the world, and still works daily to destroy America, American Democracy, and the entire free world.  Despite the public outcry from numerous elected officials and authors who have called out the nature of his crimes against our country, a major section of the populace still swagger along with him in support of his TREASON. The US military has been forced to transport US Army tanks to Washington for their use in an event for the first time since the end of World War II at a time when the country is being held hostage by a would be dictator who has never been legally elected to any position and has openly sided with numerous dictators including his Russian Owner Vladimir Putin, the murderous Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Kim Jung Un of North Korea, and President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines who has openly murdered citizens in his country.  This TRAITOR is running actual concentration camps along the US border with Mexico, holding children in cages, and has recently openly defied the US Constitution's mandate for a ten year census.  I repeat, the US is in the greatest constitutional crisis it has been in since 1865.  This TRAITOR must be indicted, convicted, impeached, and imprisoned where he should have been fifty or more years ago.  
Over the past three years on this blog I have written about the well documented, factually researched, and legitimate works of numerous authors in their efforts, like mine, to bring this country to its senses and put an end to the illegitimate occupation of the White House.  On October 28, 2016, I wrote about the incredibly dangerous cult of personality which had been built around this TRAITOR.   On November 24, 2016, I wrote about how little this country had to be thankful for after the TREASONOUS result of the election on November 8, 2016.  On December 12, 2016, I wrote about the comparisons between the disastrous results of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor the outcome of the 2016 stolen election.  On December 18, 2016, as the US Electoral College carried out their disastrous certification of the November election I wrote about the fact that the CIA had already stated they had sufficient evidence to prove that Russian hackers had managed to alter results in the November election.  On December 21, 2016, I wrote about a family dinner with my wife and several of my cousins at which my cousin, more like a brother, Jack D. Terry, had given every attendee at that dinner a copy of the US Constitution because his concerns about this TRAITOR were then and continue to be just as great as mine.  I add the information at this time that Jack D. Terry is a retired US Army non-commissioned officer who also retired from the US Army Corps of Engineers.  His patriotism cannot be questioned since he was in Viet Nam at 19 and in Mosul, Iraq at 59.  
On January 7, 2017, I created my first version of a list of books I had read or planned to read and have since actually read those and numerous more which constitute my Reading List For The Resistance.  I implore all of the readers of this blog post to begin by simply choosing one of those books to read.  When you find a single truth in them, and you should find major terrifying truths in each of them, then move on to read others and educate yourself about the crimes which have been committed by this TRAITOR against the United States of America and the entire free world.  On January 20, 2017, I wrote about that day as one of the darkest and blackest in the history of this country and it has proven already to have been just that. The likelihood that it will prove to have been even blacker is just as great as was the likelihood that  the US Civil War could have destroyed the country.  On January 31, 2017,  I wrote about my mourning for the country as it became more apparent what a menagerie of criminals and Russian connected co-conspirators were being assembled in the White House under the putative leadership of this TRAITOR.  
On February 4, 2017, I wrote a review of George Orwell's "Animal Farm", one of the books on my Reading List For The Resistance.  I still implore all of you readers today that if you have never read this book, read it now and pay close attention to the writing about the damage a totalitarian dictatorship can do to a community.  I will also suggest that you read everything that George Orwell wrote in his highly productive life.  On February 17, 2017, I reviewed a book I had just read entitled
"A Nation Defiant Polish Resistance To The German Occupation Of Poland" by Richard S. Fuegner.  This book became the first of several works I have read about European Resistance efforts in World War II against the totalitarian regimes of Adolph Hitler and Benito Mussolini since I believe that the only thing which can save the United States from an even worse slide into totalitarian Right Wing Radical political polarization will be the firm, unyielding resistance of the rational portion of our populace.  I would also like to suggest to my readers that you actively study the entire European Resistance during World War II, the overall history of World War II, and the honest biographies of Benito Mussolini, Adolph Hitler, Heinrich Himmler, and Vladimir Putin.  You will also find inspiration to continue fighting for America in the best biographies of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill.  

In March of 2017, we saw the beginning of the TRAITOR's open attacks on a Free Press which still continue today.  On March 1, 2017, I wrote a blog post entitled "Unconstitutional Attacks On A Free Press" which I began with the following quotation from a man named Owen Lattimore in his testimony before the McCarthy Committee during their equally dangerous attacks against the United States in the 1950's which were created, directed, and inflamed by US Senator Joseph McCarthy a man who was very similar to our current TRAITOR in his personality, willingness to destroy America and American Democracy, and his mental instability.  

"...the sure way to destroy freedom of speech and the free expression of ideas and views is to attach to that freedom the penalty of abuse and vilification...It is only from a diversity of views freely expressed and strongly advocated that sound policy is distilled. He who contributes to the destruction of this process is either a fool or an enemy of his country." Owen Lattimore in Senate testimony before the McCarthy Committee in 1950.
On nearly a daily basis since I wrote that blog post on March 1, 2017, we have seen the TRAITOR who illegally occupies the White House attack the constitutionally guaranteed Free Press in America.  He is every bit as dangerous to this country and every bit as focused in his attacks on it as Joseph McCarthy was in 1950, as Adolph Hitler and Benito Mussolini were from 1938 to 1945, and as Vladimir Putin is today.  Also on March 1, 2017, I reviewed "1984" by George Orwell, the second of his books which I have read and reviewed as a part of my Reading List For The Resistance.  Just as he did in "Animal Farm", Orwell writes about the extreme dangers of totalitarian governments.  But in "1984", he writes about a fictional government run  by humans as opposed to the porcine run government he created in "Animal Farm".  

On May 2, 2017, I wrote a post about the term "Fellow Travelers" which Joseph McCarthy had used to denigrate, belittle, and damage the credibility of his innocent targets in the 1950's.  However, I now use that term to describe the current TREASONOUS and illegitimate occupant of the White House and those who believe his extremist and totalitarian rants.  They are "Fellow Travelers" of Vladimir Putin and his Russian oligarchy as it is assisted by this American TRAITOR. 
On June 25, 2017, I used a quotation from an old country doctor I knew in my childhood, Dr. Mark Dempsey, to defend universal health care in America as it was being disastrously attacked by this Russian Owned TRAITOR.  To quote Dr. Dempsey once again, "(a)ll people should have free health care" and "(e)very man, regardless of who he is, should be trained to do skilled work".  I said then and I say now that those are two of the most brilliant statements I have heard come out of the mouth of a human.  All taxpayers, in the long run, pay for all health care for all persons in a democracy and preventive health care if far cheaper than emergency medicine for chronic conditions which always develop in people who do not receive regular preventive medicine.  The state of Tennessee is now paying for two years of free post-secondary education for every eligible citizen of Tennessee which should long ago have become a federal mandate.  The current TREASONOUS and illegitimate occupant of the White House fights daily to destroy both health care and education in America which is just one portion of the total plan to destroy American Democracy which he carries out for his Russian Owner Vladimir Putin.  

On Independence Day 2017, I wrote just as I am today, two years later, in defense of America, American Democracy, and all the rational aspects of our country as it suffers this attack from a TREASONOUS gang of Russian Owned criminals.  Sadly, very little in America today, two years later, is any better than it was on Independence Day of 2017 and many things are far worse.  On July 4, 2017, I returned to my discussion of the crimes of Senator Joseph McCarthy against America and American Democracy and their comparisons to the crimes of the current American TRAITOR as I reviewed a book by a man named Lately Thomas called "When Even Angels Wept A Story Without A Hero".  In today's times, we are possibly somewhat better off than we were during the crimes of Joseph McCarthy since we do have a few heroes in America who are fighting to save the country, the US Constitution, and our Democracy in general.  Thank God, we have Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Elijah Cummings, and others who support their efforts in the US congress to hold this TRAITOR responsible for his crimes against America, American Democracy, and the entire free world. They deserve the support of every American until their work is done and this criminal sits for the rest of his life in a federal prison cell.  On Saturday, July 8, 2017, I wrote about my experiences with a large private medical practice in Lexington, Kentucky, where I had been a patient with a practitioner for several years.  My first doctor had left the practice and I chose to attempt to work with a second provider who, in his first encounter with me, had spoken out against the Affordable Care Act.  I called him on the error of his ways, stopped going to that practice and they had called me to try to get me to return.  I told the employee who called me why I left the practice and that I would never return to such a practice again.  In the blog post I wrote about it, I called, as I often do, for my readers to to Stand Up, Speak Up, and Speak Out against the wrong in America.  I do the same with all of you once again today and I will continue to do so as long as my fingers and brain can work to write, so long as my tongue works, and so long as these crimes against are still being committed and breath still flows through my body.  So should each of you!   On July 16, 2017, I wrote a little blog post about "Sins I Will Never Need To Confess" involving speaking up and speaking out against this TRAITOR and his co-conspirators as well as their crimes.  Once again I can tell you that I will never have to confess the sin of having failed to stand up against these criminals and their crimes.  Neither should you!  If you have been diligent in your efforts to defend America against these TRAITOR, I commend you!  If you have had a few failures to do so, I urge you to make a personal commitment to never allow that to happen again.  Choose to make the day you read this blog post the day you made that personal commitment to America, yourself, your creator, and your family that you will never again fail to fight these criminals and that this day can be your day to say "Not since July 4, 2019, have I ever had to confess the sin of silence or failure to support my country and its precious Democracy."  On July 29, 2017, I wrote about having attended a rally in support of health care at a place called Coal Run Village, Kentucky.  On that day and many others I have taken direct, public action in support of America and American Democracy.  I hope you have also and I implore you to do so at the next and ever other opportunity you have to do so.  

On November 22, 2017, I wrote about "Another Thanksgiving With Little To Be Thankful For".  Sadly, we have seen many national holidays come and go in this country since this terrible constitutional crisis began where we have had little or nothing to be thankful for.  Let's all make personal commitments to do everything in our power to make this July 4, 2019, the last national holiday on which we will allow this TRAITOR, his Russian Owners, and their many co-conspirators to hold our country hostage and commit their crimes against both it and us.  One week later, on November 29, 2017, I wrote a post about "Always Confronting Political Ignorance" and I am proud to say that failing to do so is a sin which I have rarely had to confess in my entire life.  I sincerely don't believe that I have to confess it at all since November 8, 2016, and I assure you I will not have to ever do so again.  I will always Stand Up, Speak Up, Speak Out, and defend our country and our democracy just as I urge each of you to do.  

On December 27, 2017, I wrote another of those sad and sadly recurrent annual posts about how little we have to celebrate and how much we have to mourn and decry in America since November 8, 2016.  I sincerely hope that this is the last of these terrible and terribly disheartening blog posts I have to write about the ongoing destruction of our country, our morals as a nation, and our democracy in general.  One day later, on December 28, 2017,  I wrote a blog post about the fact that no Republican candidate for public office should ever be allowed to run unopposed and I believe that even more strongly today.  Any Republican, or any Democrat for that matter, who is running for a public office even as low as constable or magistrate who cannot publicly call for the indictment, conviction, impeachment, and imprisonment of the TRAITOR who illegally occupies the White House is unfit for any position of public trust.  When I meet candidates who are calling for my vote, I tell them this to their face and I am not subtle or timid about it.  They need to know the truth.  They need to be told that if they are not fighting for this country they are, by default, fighting against it.  

On January 2, 2018, I wrote a post about the Second Amendment As It Is Written in response to gun legislation both already passed and pending, at that time, in my own state of Kentucky and in the nation as a whole.  The Second Amendment does not, never has, and should never call for the free and unfettered access to guns especially in light of the violent trend in our national temperament which is another byproduct of the Radical Right and this TRAITOR who supports hate groups, extremist ideologies, and never decries their mass murders, racism or assaults against the US Constitution and human decency.  Until guns are "well regulated" as the Second Amendment calls for, acts of unfettered violence and mass murder will continue in this country.  

On February 7, 2018, I reviewed one of the most important books to be written and published in America since November 8, 2016.  The book is called "The Dangerous Case Of Donald Trump" and was edited by Bandy Lee, M. D. and written by 27 of the most experienced and most respected psychiatrists in America.  The book makes a clear cut, well researched,  and well justified diagnosis of the current TREASONOUS occupant of the White House as one of the most dangerous humans on earth.  It should be a must read for every citizen of America.  On February 28, 2018, I reviewed a book called "Collusion Secret Meetings Dirty Money, and How Russia Helped Donald Trump Win" by Luke Harding which is another of those books on my Reading List For The Resistance.  It is an excellent book and does a better than average job of detailing, explaining, and proving the connections that were known up to the time of its publication about the illegal and TREASONOUS contacts between the current TRAITOR who occupies the White House, his many criminal co-conspirators, and Vladimir Putin and various other known career intelligence agents within the Russian government.  It is a book, like all those on the Reading List For the Resistance which every American should read before voting again. 

On May 27, 2018, I wrote a somewhat humorous post called "Republicans And Brown Headed Cowbirds" about the common qualities of the two groups.  Both are parasitic in their lifestyles.  Both destroy much of the productive life around them.  Both need to be prevented from persisting as forces working against the rest of the world.  Read it!  I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.  On May 29, 2018, I reviewed the book  "A Higher Loyalty Truth, Lies, And Leadership" by former FBI Director James Comey.  Like all the other books my Reading List For The Resistance, it should be read by every American.  And to dispel the most prevalent myth about this excellent book, it is much more about James Comey and his commitment to America and American Democracy than about any other human on earth.  But it does do an excellent job of explaining his criminal firing by the TRAITOR who illegally occupies the White House.  On May 30, 2018, I reviewed the wonderful but horribly dark book "Black Earth The Holocaust As History And Warning" by Timothy Snyder which is one of the most important books on my Reading List For The Resistance.  For those of you who still cling to the erroneous and tragic belief that the Holocaust could not be repeated and is not likely to be repeated in today's world, this book will dispel that thought and does an incredible job of explaining the details of the Holocaust, its consequences, and the likelihood that it could happen again especially if we continue to allow a TRAITOR who is owned by Vladimir Putin and Russia to continue to illegally and illegitimately occupy the White House.  

On June 1, 2018, I wrote a blog post about having found several copies of hate literature books in a Little Free Library in my hometown of West Liberty, Kentucky.  I can tell you that I removed those books from that public book exchange in order to prevent their hate-filled diatribes from being spread to any more innocent and gullible minds.  They are still in my possession and I will probably read them someday in order to know better the enemies of our country and our democracy.  I took an easy, simple, but not simplistic action for the greater good of the community.  It would have been just as easy, maybe easier, to leave them there for any unsuspecting, poorly educated, and gullible mind to find them and be damaged by them.  As a rule, I do not support censorship and frequently find it hard to justify it by any means.  But hate ideologies, hate literature, and hate crimes have spread all across this country since November 8, 2016, it they must be stopped.  On June 24, 2018, I wrote a blog post about "Some Immigrants I Have Known" in a small attempt to help dispel the myths which are circulating freely in our country that somehow immigrants are dangerous, bad, destructive, or out of sync with our goals as a nation.  I assure you that any immigrant is worth more to this country than the current TREASONOUS occupant of the White House.  The great majority of them will actually work for the common good and pay taxes which he cannot prove he has ever done. 
On August 31, 2018, I wrote a blog post titled "The Fascism Of Donald Trump" and I stand by ever word in it to this day.  The current TRAITOR who occupies the White House is a Fascist.  His support of the rioters and murder at Charlottesville, Virginia, his failure to speak out against white Fascist acts of terror in other parts of America, his crude mimicry of a disabled reporter, and many other statements he has made publicly leave no doubt that he is a Fascist.  I must also state that I cringed when I typed his name in the title of this blog post and I have attempted stringently to avoid actually naming him in this blog post since I firmly believe that above and beyond the aching necessity for this country to indict, convict, impeach, and imprison him for his TREASON and multitudinous other crimes we must also work for all future time to remove his name, his face, his actions, and every mention of him from the public records.  He should be just as nameless as any other terrorist, TRAITOR, sex offender, career criminal, draft dodger, tax cheat, pathological liar, and deplorable in the world.   

On September 17, 2018, I reviewed the book "Facts And Fears Hard Truths From A Life In Intelligence" by James Clapper who was also criminally fired by the TRAITOR who illegally occupies the White House.  This is also a book which every American should read and, like James Comey's book, it is also much more about the life of a career public servant than about any interactions he might have had with the worst TRAITOR in history.  This book is a key component of my Reading List For The Resistance and I urge all of you to read it just as I do every other book on that ever growing list.  I have to admit that I am overdue to do another update on the Reading List For The Resistance.  I must add several books to it, some of which I have still not read myself.  And with that said, I also insist that each of us should work diligently to expand our reading of resistance history and literature until this current blight on our country can be imprisoned where he should have been fifty years ago before his crime spree had been able to do the widespread and tragic damage which it has.  

On October 10, 2018, I wrote a blog post about The Deepening US Constitutional Crisis which was prompted by an e-mail exchange with a distant cousin with whom I had been reunited in the recent past.   I had put her name on a mass e-mail about the crisis and she responded by asking me to remove her name from any future political messages.  I responded by agreeing, naturally, to remove her name from such messages and went on to tell her that I would never stop Standing Up, Speaking Up, and Speaking Out against the criminals and TRAITORS in our country.  I also sent her a list of about 15 books which are on the Reading List For The Resistance and urged her to read them.  I doubt that she ever has.  We have conversed some since then but I do not recall that I have ever received an unsolicited or unprompted message from her.  That is a minor tragedy in America.  It is always a minor tragedy in America when any person of reasonable intelligence refuses to speak out against attempted tyranny and an open attack on democracy.  What made it even more tragic is that, as a part time avocation, she writes for the local weekly newspaper in the county in which we grew up.  She is in a position to affect public opinion instead of writing and publishing little stories about family and high school reunions, deaths of unknown people, and the big turnip somebody grew in their garden when she could be speaking out against the crimes against conscience, liberty, democracy, and the country at large which are being perpetrated on a daily basis.  Do no allow yourself to become such a person.  Study the facts!  Learn the truth!  Speak out about your findings in these efforts especially when they are important to the larger community whether that community is your neighborhood or the entire nation.   On October 15, 2018, I updated my Reading List For The Resistance primarily as a response to the exchange with my spineless cousin.  The link above is actually the one you should use to that reading list since it contains a few books I had not listed on the first version.  I make you a solemn promise that sometime in the not too distant future I will do a third version of the Reading List For The Resistance and post it as a new blog post so that, perhaps, a few people will visit it who have never done so.  In fact, I will mention a new book, to me at least, which I just completed today, "Reading Lolita In Tehran" by Azar Nafisi, which spent more than 100 weeks on the New York Times Best Seller List in 2003 to 2006 or thereabouts.  I had never read it and find the comparisons between the actions the mullahs of Iran were taking in the late 1990's and the actions of the self-described "Christians" of America today are amazing, stunning, and totally in line with statements I had made to people privately over the last few years.  In order for American "Christians" to support the current TREASONOUS and illegal occupant of the White House and to stand by without protesting the ongoing attacks on the rights of women, children, and immigrants including placing children in cages, these self-described "Christians" must go through all the same mental steps and decisions that the mullahs of Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan had to go through in order to murder hundreds of thousands of their neighbors.  I will review Azar Nafisi's book tomorrow, July 4, 2019, hopefully, and you should read it and consider it to be an addition to the Reading List For The Resistance.  On October 16, 2018, I posted an article about a trip my wife and I took to a political rally in support of Retired Col. Amy McGrath in her effort to go to congress from Kentucky.  The title of that post was "A Day In Kentucky Politics" and is important to this discussion primarily because my wife and I took political action by attending this rally outside our own congressional district for a candidate we could not vote for.  But we could sure as hell support her.  You should take such actions for the good of the greater community every time the opportunity arises and you can afford the time and gasoline.  On October 27, 2018, I reviewed the book "The Restless Wave" by John McCain and Mark Salter which I added to the Reading List For The Resistance immediately after reading it.  I say here, as I said in the blog post, this book was the most pleasant surprise I have found in a book in quite some time.  You should read it, learn from it, and tell everyone you know about it.  It made me proud of John McCain in a way I had never been before.  On October 31, 2018, I reviewed the book "Trump/Russia" by Seth Hettena which is another of the half dozen excellent, well researched books which have been published over the last few years which document and prove the extensive links between Vladimir Putin, Russia, and the current TRAITOR who illegally occupies the White House.  The only other thing I will say about this book is to insert this quotation from page 104 of the book which reports an e-mail between Felix Sater, a man with extensive connections within the Russian oligarchy, and Michael Cohen, the currently imprisoned and self-confessed fixer for the TRAITOR who illegally occupies the White House.  Here is that quotation: 
"Michael I arranged for Ivanka to sit in Putin's private chair at his desk and office in the Kremlin.  I will get Putin on this program and we will get Donald elected.  We both know no one else knows how to pull this off without stupidity or greed getting in the way.  I know how to play it and we will get this done.  Buddy our boy can become President of the USA and we can engineer.  I will get all of Putin's team to buy in on this." Hettena, p. 104.
On November 8, 2018, the two year anniversary of the stolen US election, I wrote a blog post about Birthright Citizenship in response to ranting and raving originating from the current TREASONOUS and illegal occupant of the White House.   Such a blatant attempt to subvert the US Constitution should clearly show any rational person that this TRAITOR wants to destroy the US Constitution.  Sadly, it often has not and the danger to the country on many fronts has increased on a daily basis since November 8, 2016.  A week later for some unknown reason I wrote a mildly optimistic Thanksgiving post called "A Moderately Thankful Thanksgiving".  I must have been out of my mind.  We had just managed to install an incoming Democratic majority in the House of Representatives but the same TRAITOR was living illegally in the White House.  Mitch McConnell and a majority of his co-conspirators were still in control of the US Senate.  I should not have been nearly that hopeful and the installation of two Radial Right Wing justices to the US Supreme Court should prove that to anybody.

On December 7, 2018, I reviewed the excellent book "Fascism A Warning" by former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.  Today I still use a quotation from that book on my e-mail signature which states: "Why, this far into the twenty-first century, are we once again talking about Fascism?  One reason, frankly, is Donald Trump.  If we think of Fascism as a wound from the past that had almost healed, putting Trump in the White House was like ripping off the bandage and picking at the scab.”  Madeleine Albright, “Fascism A Warning”, p. 5-6. This is a key book in the recently published books on the Reading List For The Resistance.  It is a highly important, well reasoned book by a person who had extensive experience both as a professor of history and politics and as a US Secretary Of State.  It presents a chilling picture of the world today in light of how Fascist and inhumane ideologies have spread like a bad case of crotch rot all over America and the world.  

On April 26, 2019, I reviewed the book "Fahrenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury which represented a return to my discussions of dystopian literature and totalitarian governments.  The book is a classic in the fields of politics, philosophy, and science fiction.  It is far more than a science fiction book.  It is a vivid warning sign to the world that allowing a TRAITOR and Fascist to illegally occupy the highest office in the land can destroy a country, any country, this country.  Read it!  Learn from it!  Do not ignore it simply because it is often labeled science fiction.   It is a key component of the Reading List For The Resistance.  

On June 24, 2019, I wrote a blog post about the Anti-Vaccine Movement In Appalachia which some of you might tend to ignore because it can be labeled as being about Appalachia not the nation, about medicine not politics, or about religion not government.  All those reasons are illegitimate one for ignoring the danger presented by the Anti-Vaccine Movement and its origins in and connections to the Radical Right and the incredibly dangerous shift toward the right in American politics.  Thankfully, the New York state legislature took decisive action by passing a law removing the religious exemption for refusing to vaccinate children.  These people are quite often also supporters of the entire gamut of Right Wing Radical causes which are based on  fallacies, fake news, and absolute lies being originated in the greater politically oriented groups who want to help the TRAITOR who illegally occupies the White House in his effort to destroy the country for his owners in Russia.  

I realize this has been a lengthy post.  I hope at least a few of you have read it to the end and that you will go back to the links and, at least, read the blog posts which you have not done so before.  The United States is in the throes of the worst constitutional crisis since the end of the Civil War and it can destroy this country, this democracy, and all our American Dreams.  Do not allow it do so to you, your families, children, parents, grandparents, and loved ones.   


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