Due to the unconstitutional and ignorant rants over the past weeks from TRAITOR & Spawn Of Satan Trump, birthright citizenship is being bandied about for a possible attempt at elimination by an "executive order" from the Russian Agent who illegally occupies the White House.
The Fourteenth Amendment is very clear in its wording about birthright citizenship. It says:
“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to
the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the
State wherein they reside.” The authors of that wording could not have made it any more clear and that was their intention. So that brings us to the insane, ignorant, and ill intentioned rant from TRAITOR & Spawn Of Satan Trump that he can nullify the US Constitution merely on a whim by virtue of his TREASONOUSLY gained power. The US Constitution clearly describes and delineates the methods by which the document may be changed. It says:
- Congress may submit a proposed constitutional amendment to the
states, if the proposed amendment language is approved by a two-thirds
vote of both houses.
- Congress must call a convention for proposing amendments upon
application of the legislatures of two-thirds of the states (i.e., 34 of
50 states).
- Amendments proposed by Congress or convention become valid only
when ratified by the legislatures of, or conventions in, three-fourths
of the states (i.e., 38 of 50 states).
At no point, in no language, and under no other circumstances may the US Constitution be modified by anyone on the planet earth. However, this is not just a simple case of an idiot with no knowledge of the US Constitution making an ignorant remark. The stated desire to abolish birthright citizenship by TRAITOR & Spawn Of Satan Trump has a much more malicious, nefarious, and evil intent. It is an initial FASCIST trial balloon by the Russian Owned Criminal Syndicate which illegally occupies the White House to test whether or not they can successfully pull off a national power grab modeled after the one Adolph Hitler successfully managed after being made chancellor of Germany in 1933. They are hoping to actually have TRAITOR & Spawn Of Satan Trump issue another "executive order" abolishing birthright citizenship which they know will instantly be challenged in US District Court by numerous citizen's rights groups. They will then, as rapidly as possible, ask to have the issue heard by the US Supreme Court which they now believe has a solid, unshakable Right Wing Radical Repugnican majority which would uphold the "executive order". It is possible that could happen but I believe it is unlikely due to the fact that Chief Justice John Roberts, has on a few occasions in key cases shown a tendency toward honesty and truly judicious actions. But the fact that these TRAITORS and Russian Agents are even willing to float such a scheme in public is a testament to the inescapable fact that there are no crimes they will not commit. There are no boundaries they will not cross. There are no evils they will not perpetrate in order to achieve their ultimate goal, as layed out by their Russian Owner Vladimir Putin. Their ultimate goal is to destroy America, American Democracy, and the entire free world while advancing the political, territorial, and social goals of Vladimir Putin and Russia. We are and have been since at least November 8, 2016, in the worst constitutional crisis since 1861.
Now let's examine the historical example on which these TRAITORS are modeling their effort to destroy the US Constitution and all its rights for individual liberties. On November 8, 1923, Adolph Hitler and the Nazis perpetrated The Beer Hall Putsch, one of the most famous acts of treason in the history of the world. Hitler and the Nazis devised a plan to kidnap the
leaders of the Bavarian government and force them at gunpoint to accept
Hitler as their leader. The plot failed and Adolph Hitler was rightfully charged with treason. He went on trial but the Nazis managed to control the flow of events. The judges for his trial were hand picked by a Nazi
sympathizer in the Bavarian government. They gave Adolph Hitler absolute freedom to use the
court proceedings as his own bully pulpit in which he preached his Nazi ideas. He was allowed to do virtually anything he wished during the trial. He could rant as long as he wanted on his own behalf, interrupt prosecutors and witnesses at any time and even cross
examine witnesses. Hitler did not deny his treason and painted himself as a Bavarian
patriot and the democratic government and all its key members as the real criminals. At this point, my readers should ask themselves if this chain of events does not sound eerily and ominously familiar.
The TRAITOR and Spawn Of Satan Trump has managed to commit TREASON with Vladimir Putin and, so far, has suffered no consequences for his actions. He has been able to paint himself as the only person who can clean up the alleged swamp of Washington politics, hand pick two criminal judges to be placed on the US Supreme Court who will be key members in any judicial proceedings on any "executive orders" he issues, any further crimes he commits, and any criminal charges which may be brought against him. He has been awarded the bully pulpit of his illegal residency in the White House and uses it daily to lie, cheat, steal, commit TREASON,and to foment insurrection by the
Right Wing Radicals who support his crime spree.
As of November 7, 2018, one day after the national election which returned control of the US House Of Representatives to the Democrats, TRAITOR & Spawn Of Satan Trump forced his attorney general Jeff Sessions to resign so he could place a loyalist in charge of the US Department Of Justice in order to attempt to stop the Mueller Investigation into his crimes. He also held a rambling, ranting, disjointed, and ill intentioned press conference in which he accused an African American female reporter of asking a "racist question" when
Yamiche Alcindor, a White House correspondent for PBS News Hour,
questioned whether TRAITOR & Spawn Of Satan Trump's use of the word "nationalism" at
several rallies ahead of the midterm was a dog whistle for "white
nationalism," as many of his critics have suggested. He also engaged in an ignorant, demeaning, and belittling exchange with Jim Acosta of CNN calling him a "rude, terrible person" after he asked about special
counsel Robert Mueller's investigation during a volatile news conference
at the White House. Overnight, the White House has revoked Mr. Acosta's White House Press credential and nationwide protests are being staged on November 8, 2018, to attempt to protect the Mueller investigation. All these actions by TRAITOR & Spawn Of Satan Trump are modeled after the actions of both Adolph Hitler and Benito Mussolini as they prepared to destroy the world in World War II.
Adolph Hitler was actually found guilty of treason against Bavaria because he admitted freely to his effort to overthrow the Bavarian government. He was sentenced to five years in prison and actually served less than two years. He also managed to complete the manuscript of "Mein Kampf" or "My Struggle" during his time in prison which still serves today as a "Bible" of sorts for a multitude of Nazi, Neo-Nazi, and other Right Wing Radical Hate groups. Meanwhile, the Great Depression fell on the world and the Nazis rose to power in Germany in September 1930 due primarily to the economic disaster which was consuming all of Europe and the United States. In 1932, Adolph Hitler ran against Hindenburg for the German presidency and lost but the Nazis got more than ten million votes in the presidential election and demonstrated sufficient clout to cause Hindenburg to believe he needed to appease them by naming Adolph Hitler as Chancellor Of Germany in January 1933.
Similarly, in America, we have seen the TRAITOR & Spawn Of Satan Trump manage to steal the 2016 presidential election with the help of Vladimir Putin and Russian Hackers. He has managed, with the help of Senator Mitch McConnell, Congressman Paul Ryan, and the Right Wing Radical Repugnican members of congress to install two servile, criminal, and equally Right Wing Radical judges on the US Supreme Court after Mitch McConnell managed to subvert the confirmation process for President Barack Obama's perfectly qualified and legitimate nominee Merrick Garland. TRAITOR & Spawn Of Satan Trump was allowed to assume the occupation of the White House on January 20, 2017, despite the rapidly growing base of information pointing to his TREASON with Russia. Then, in November 2018, with the the most important election in more than one hundred and fifty years hanging in the balance he was inciting mass murder and generalized violence from his followers while managing to generally walk a thin line between actually and directly calling for violence while simultaneously implying that violence would take place if he did not get his way. Ever since he began his TREASONOUS pursuit of the White House he has been ranting about draining the swamp in Washington, destroying the US economy and ballooning the national debt with his tax package for the rich and his ignorant trade war, and simultaneously planning a Beer Hall Putsch of his own with his clearly unconstitutional "executive order" to obliterate birthright citizenship which he believes will be upheld by the Right Wing Radical Repugnican majority on the US Supreme Court. Interestingly, at this time, I am reading "Fascism A Warning" by Madeleine Albright which is an excellent book and should be read by every American citizen. On page 24 of that book, Former Secretary of State Albright gives us the origin of the phrase "drain the swamp". It was first used by Benito Mussolini as he rose to power and the Italian verbiage is "drenare la palude". Just as TRAITOR and Spawn Of Satan Trump frequently uses the words and ideas of Adolph Hitler, it is also now apparent that he is also leaning on the ideas and phrases of Mussolini. We are literally heading toward the culmination of a long series of TREASONOUS events which were modeled after the crimes of Adolph Hitler and Benito Mussolini.
Luckily and wisely, the American voters did manage to restore Democratic control of the House of Representatives in the 2018 midterm elections. But we failed to regain control of the US Senate which is a tragedy whose limitations and consequences we will learn between now and January 20, 2021 or the date on which TRAITOR & Spawn Of Satan is actually impeached whichever comes first. The Democrats in the House can now call hearings to examine the crimes being committed by TRAITOR & Spawn Of Satan Trump and can finally subpoena his tax records which will disclose a multitude of fiduciary crimes extending many years into the past. Those tax records will also be highly likely to disclose many connections to Russian oligarchs loyal to Vladimir Putin and to their money laundering crimes. The Mueller investigation is hopefully drawing to a close and we, if there is any justice in the world, should see the entire family of TRAITOR & Spawn Of Satan Trump indicted for at least some of their crimes and their collusion with Russia. But the shadows of a Repugnican controlled US Senate and a theoretical Right Wing Radical Repugnican five to four majority on the US Supreme Court still loom over us. Additionally, on November 8, 2018, a news story broke disclosing the fact that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has fallen and fractured at least three ribs. The potential specter of another Right Wing Radical Repugnican being added to an already suspect majority on the US Supreme Court is truly terrifying. I do not doubt that Mitch McConnell and the majority in the US Senate will do everything in their power to avoid impeachment proceedings. In my opinion, the only way impeachment will occur is if the Democratic investigations in the House uncover overwhelming evidence of TREASON, collusion, and obstruction of justice. Hopefully, that will occur. But it may well drag on into the next federal election cycle and the possibility does exist that this most TREASONOUS of criminals may well manage to avoid the consequences of his crimes. In the meantime, every loyal American citizen should be fighting for the indictment, conviction, impeachment, and imprisonment of this worst TRAITOR in human history.
Statue Of Liberty photo by The New York Post |